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season two

episode seven, luii

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episode seven, luii.

THOMAS and Olivia sat with Moon in Samantha's room, Sam was currently trying Moons healthy drink she made for them. Thomas took a sip from the straw as Moon was describing the ingredients. Oli takes a sip, making a gross and disgusted face which made the teen laugh. "Hemp oil? I mean, this isn't gonna get us high, is it?" Asked Sam which made Olivia snicker.

"I don't think so. It's supposed to balance your kinetic energy." Moon laughs, "Wish it got me high." Tom joked making them all laugh. "We....We're really glad you called." Sam smiles. "I missed us all hanging out." She admits making the three smile. "Your dad doesn't know about Cobra Kai, does he?" Oli asks him. "He wouldn't let you in the house, no matter how many years we've all known each other." Thomas laughs.

"It's good he doesn't know. So, which one do you guys like better?" Sam looks down at her options on clothes. "I've been wearing the white top a lot."

"White makes you seem like a white racist cold hearted bit- Olivia! Chill!" Tom exclaimed with a smile making Samantha hit her playfully. "Blue one, Sam. Brings out your eyes." Olivia smiles softly. "Plus why doesn't it matter I mean your just gonna get all sweaty."


"Do you have a crush?" Moon asks. "I....I don't have a crush." She lies. "Crush my ass." Thomas tells her. "Is it Robby?" Olivia asked the girl. Sam quickly closes the door, "Oh my god!" Oli and Moon exclaim. "Huh? Wait? What? Huh? Sam? Explain." Thomas asked quickly, furrowing his eyebrows. "We haven't, Tom. We almost..." She admits.

"Does Miguel know?" Olivia asks. "Miguel wouldn't care." Thomas mumbled quickly and quietly. "What was that, Tom?" Thomas looks at his sister, "Oh- nothing!"

"Plus there's nothing to know- I mean...it's crazy. After last year, I got back into Karate to get away from all the drama." She looked down with a small chuckle. "Well, my mom's therapist always says, 'you can't hide from your heart.'"

"Plus, karates just a room full of stupid pathetic sweaty teens. You really expect there not to be drama?" Olivia asked them. "Agreed. Now, I agree with Oli, blue brings out your eyes."


Thomas was at Coyote Creek with Cobra Kai. Yeah, that's right. Cobra Kai. Miguel and Oli invited him and Johnny was completely fine with it. "You sure no ones gonna like....attack me? I don't know any karate..." Thomas tells Miguel. "No ones gonna hurt you, and if they do, I'll hurt them back." He smiled. "Look at you, Mr. I'll fight for you." Tom laughs.

Miguel laughs, turning his head to look around before kissing him. "See you on the other side." He says before walking away from the teen. Tom stares at his boyfriend in awe before tying the white headband on his head. Johnny was there the whole time by a tree, Thomas just guessed that Miguel didn't see him. "God, I'm gonna have to get use to this."

"So, you like a bad Larusso? You don't look much like your dad kid." Johnny crosses his arms. "Me and my dad don't really have a good relationship I guess. If we did, I would've been at Miyagi-Do with him, his favorite daughter, son, and people." He explains. "Damn kid.." He sighs. "It's fine though, some of you guys are pretty nice."

"Thanks. Now, I need to go back and make sure no ones throwing a fit. See ya, Larusso." He then walked away, leaving Tom alone and leaning on a tree. Suddenly, Thomas felt his body being grabbed. There was Hawk, grabbing his arm and kicking him to the ground. "Wait! Wait! Stop!" He exclaimed. "Your the enemy, wether your in Cobra Kai or not. Your a Larusso, your the enemy." It was Hawk, fucking Hawk.

"What? I didn't even do anything to you!" Thomas defended, getting back up in pain. "I don't care!" Hawk then punches him across the face, making him fall down again. "Enemy." He said before walking away from him. Thomas touched his eye, wincing slightly from the pain.

Few minutes later, the game was over and Red team had won.

Few hours later, Thomas was currently sitting on his bed on his laptop. "So...your telling me, you and Miguel are dating?" Olivia questions as the two were on facetime. "Yeah, we are." He sighs of relief. "Congratulations, you ugly whore." Olivia jokes. "Thanks, you stupid ginger bitch."

"Now, tell me what's going on with you and Demetri." Thomas crosses his arms, looking at her. Oli rolls her eyes before hanging up immediately, making him laugh.

-- LIV!
lol how's life guys

-- LIV!lol how's life guys

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