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season four

episode three, then learn fly

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episode three, then learn fly.

DANIEL LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence getting along? Being best friends? Thomas was very very surprised when he saw them share lunch or joke around when teaching class. The two men didn't argue once. "Why can't you come?" He asks Olivia over the phone. "I'm just..tired." She replies coldly.

Tom pursed his lips, "y-you can take a nap here?" He suggested as he fiddles with one of his bracelets. She hears Oli sigh, "goodbye Tom." She says with a small chuckle before hanging up the phone.

He slowly lets the phone down with a small frown on his face. First Oli didn't come to training today and now she won't come to dinner? What the fuck is up?

Tom gulps, putting his phone in his pocket before walking out of his room. "See the thing is, when Tom and Sam were little they use to walk around like they owned the place. Even played Boss and Employee." Thomas hears Daniel say.

Tom sat down between Miguel and Samantha, "she made an awful Employee." Tom joked as he sips his water, feeling Sam softly slap his shoulder and the others laugh. "Can you blame them? They were practically raised on that showroom floor, almost born on it too." Amanda said to Carmen who chuckled a bit.

"Hey, whatever Sam and Tom want to do with their life, that's entirely up to them. If they decide to go to school nearby, get them MBA, UCLA, I'm just's all icing on the cake." Daniel explained. Samantha looks down, hating this conversation.

Thomas leaned his head back, closing his eyes a bit. He felt eyes on him, looking over and seeing Miguel just staring at him. While the adults talked, Thomas just snuck his hand under the table and held Miguel's hand

After walking up tons and tons of stairs, the Miyagi-Do's made it up a roof with Johnny. They look down to see mattresses on the floor, "oh god. I'm tired of being right."

"What are we doing here?" Sam asks Johnny. "When an eagle's hungry, it doesn't hesitate. It'll dive down at one-hundred miles an hour to snatch its prey." Johnny begins to explain. "Doesn't wait around for a rush to jump on its feet." "Talons."

"It's not talent. It's instinct. An eagle knows it has to make the first move. If you want to beat the All Valley Cobra Kai in the All Valley, you gotta break yourself of this wait-and-see crap." He finished.

"How are we gonna do that?" Tom spoke, gripping on his backpack straps. "You're gonna jump from this roof to that one." He replies. Thomas's eyes widen, knowing Johnny was fucking crazy. "What? Are you crazy?" Sam asked, shocked.

Tom sighed, "well, that's what the mattresses are for." He steps up. "Tom! No!" Samantha exclaimed. Thomas jumps, everyone running towards the roof to see if he was okay. He landed on a mattress, coughing at the dust.

He puts a thumbs up, "i'm okay!" He yelled out loud.

"I can't believe you jumped!" Miguel exclaims as he was in his boyfriends arms on the bed. Thomas laughed, "it was a life or death situation." He shrugged. Miguel rolls his eyes. "Sure."

Meanwhile, Demetri was inside Oli's house- waiting for her to be done. "Okay, let's go." She says quickly. Sadly, her mom spoke before they could leave. "Wow, I always knew you were a whore." She said to her.

Oli looked at her, then looking back down before leaving the apartment with Demetri. "Hey, don't listen to her." He spoke up, rubbing her back in comfort. "It's fine, Deme. I dont listen to her. She's stupid." Olivia lied, shrugging her shoulders. As Demetri smiled with a nod and looked away, Oli's smile dropped as they walked out.

sorry this was rushed and short

𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍, miguel diaz ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now