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season two

episode three, fire and ice

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episode three, fire and ice.

NEVER AGAIN was this man going to get what he wanted in life.

It was way too late for Thomas, he lost his best friend, part of him lost Miguel. Every inch of his body ached with heartache, he and Diaz still talked but that night was never ever mentioned. His depression has gotten better? Kinda. A few weeks ago he made more slashes on himself, those were on his thighs and once he found out what he did he immediately stopped.

He didn't like cutting.

You might think, he likes it. No, he doesn't. Every time he did it he felt weak and a pussy, he felt like he hurt himself for attention. Every single time it was always regret, part of him wanted to go and tell his father how much he hated it but part of him wanted to shut up.

But, since then Thomas has been flicking rubber hands on himself. It was working, perfectly. The teenager was currently staring at his food, moving it around with the fork. "Aren't you gonna eat, honey?" Amanda questions as she pets her sons hair. "Not really hungry mom.." He sighed.

He hasn't eaten in two days.

He wanted to eat, but he never ever gotten the motivation.  Thomas felt like eating was wrong. "I'm off to karate with dad." Sam spoke as she comes in, grabbing an apple. "All right, have fun." She smiled. Oh yeah, Daniel opened his own karate dojo.

Did he hate it? No. Only part he hated was that Daniel was now spending more time with Samantha all summer long. But, Thomas was gonna speak on it since of course his parents were gonna take him out of therapy in a few weeks. He guessed all the fake smiling finally payed off.

Oh and Olivia fucking joined Cobrai Kai.

Why? He didn't know, the two haven't talked since that night. But, he knew that he was never getting the ginger back. Of course, it ached on how much he missed her but it's not like she'll care. "Can I...take a walk?" Thomas questions. "Uh...sure, don't go too far."

With that, he walked away the farthest he could. Every-time he spent outside in the morning it was peaceful to him, it made him feel like nothing could hurt him. There he was, watching the view as he listened to some stupid playlist.

Thomas jumps as he sees a person next to him, "Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." The boy apologies. He takes his headphones out, putting them in his pockets. "Your fine." He chuckled softly. "I'm uh...I'm Caleb." He introduces. "Thomas." Tom smiles softly. "Where are your parents?"

"Dads in fairytale land, moms at home sleeping probably. Yours?" He questioned. "Dads at work." Caleb answered simply. "What school do you go to? I've never seen you around." Tom questioned. "Oh, I go to this highschool in the surbans." He replies which Tom nods. "Different schools." He chuckled. Suddenly, his phone rang.

𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍, miguel diaz ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now