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season one

episode seven, all valley

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episode seven, all valley.

TWO DAYS later, Thomas realized two things happening. Miguel was giving both him and his sister the same feeling. He remembers hearing her talk to someone on the phone about him, calling him cute and thinking he's flirting. But then- Miguel...he was acting flirty too? However, Samantha calls her friends pretty, tells them she loves talking to them too. But why did it feel different when Miguel texted those things to him?

Even when they hung out, the teen would lightly brush their hands together, almost accidentally get too close to Tom's face, I wouldn't be lying if I told you Tom maybe did it back but still.

His thoughts bug out from his therapist, hearing her pen click loudly."Have you talked to your parents about your cutting?" She asked him. He feels his chest sting, in a bad way. "Why do you think they put me in therapy? They never wanna talk about it." He answered. She sighs, "well what about your sister, Sam?"

He shrugged, "No, not really. And do not say Anthony please. He's just a kid." She sighs, "You have to talk about it soon, when you're ready. but it can't be months or years." She explains. "You're supposed to be a therapist. Plus, what's there to even talk about?" He huffed. "How you felt at that exact moment, why you did it, if you regret it or not." She said.

"Just, roll up your sleeves and show me your thighs and you can sign out."

Walking out with his hands stuffed in his pockets, he sees a familiar face standing by the stairs.


He turns around. "Hey! Uh...your sister told me you'd be here. Figured I'd leave karate early and come see you." Miguel smiled. "Thanks." He smiles back before they both began to walk.

It was quiet. All you could hear were the cars, people talking, footsteps from other people. Miguel exhales, "okay. I'm just gonna say it because I came here for a specific reason."

Thomas blushed, a smile about to appear on his face as he imagined Diaz asking him out. "I'm going on a date with Sam tonight."

His half smile immediately dropped.

He felt a worse sting in his stomach and chest. "R-really? Where are you guys going?" Miguel looks at him, "I don't know, yet. Which is why I came to you. I wanted to ask you what she likes." He replies. "Um..." He quickly looked down, sighing. "She like's astronomy and chocolate. Maybe...take her somewhere to see the stars."

Miguel took note of that, "thank you." He let out. Both of the stayed quiet, staring at each other. This was until Thomas broke it off. "I gotta go. See you."

As he walked off and called his dad, the sting went away. But he still felt down and jealous. He didn't know why he got jealous, he shouldn't. He's not gay, right? He doesn't like boys.

A tear fell down Thomas's cheek, he then laughed. "Why are you crying!" He whispers to himself. This could also be because of everything that happened, how he feels, he doesn't know how to comprehend.

He wipes his tears as he sees his fathers car come, again, the ride was silent. He was silent, but Thomas felt like his chest was tight and he wanted to take off his shirt. They got home and he immediately got out of the car, "Thomas?" Amanda asked, noticing her sons behavior.

He stopped, looking at his mother. "You okay?" Samantha looked over at her brother, "Hey. Tom, look at me." Sam says. "Y-You guys never...you guys...never.." Tears were streaming down his cheeks. He looks away, "I'm sorry.."

"Thomas, talk to me, what's wrong?" Daniel looks at him. "I...can't..." He cried. "Yes you can, come on." He felt lightheaded, like he was about to pass out. "D-do you love me?" He asked, sobbing.

"Yes, of course we love you." Amanda nodded, "Why wouldn't we?" Daniel questions. "Don't say that! You know why!" He yelled. "Hey, breathe. Breathe, alright." Amanda reassures, she did not like hearing those words come out of his sons mouth. "I can't..." He sobs.

"I wanna be perfect..." Thomas explains. "I hate you all! I hate this family!" He yelled again. Daniel looked at him, his heart hurting as he heard his son say those words. He wasn't crying about Miguel, he was crying because for the first time in a long time, everything he kept inside, he finally let out.

i'm not crying
you are lol

--LIV!i'm not crying you are lol

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𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍, miguel diaz ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now