xxxv. UR FAULT

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season four

episode five, match point

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episode five, match point

THOMAS, Oli, Demetri, Gray, Hawk, and Miguel all walked along the halls. Demetri had his ipad in hand, searching up some dude that was spotted at Miyagi-Do. No, Tom and Olivia weren't there. Instead, they stayed home and smoked so they didn't know who the fuck they were talking about.

"Vietnam vet turned businessman. Had a few ups and downs but still turned out pretty rich. Not much dirt, other than some toxic waste scandal back in the eighties." Demetri explains to them. Olivia sighed, "great. Now you guys can stop focusing on some weird old dude." She complains with her arms crossed. "Wait- how'd you even found out his name?" Miguel questions.

He shrugged, "I took a picture at the dojo, found an old facial recognition beta test and tweaked the code to make it compatible with HEIC." Demetri explains simply. "I hate it when you talk nerdy." Olivia groans. "Hey! You should be lucky. I finished your math homework last night." He defends, making Oli's face lighten.

"In that case, I LOVE it when you talk nerdy." She says as she kisses him on the cheek. They walk towards the lockers, Miguel immediately stopping in his tracks. Thomas- who's hand was in his. "Everything okay, babe?" He asks softly. "You guys won't believe this."

He shows everyone the phone, "sensei got drunk and went on a twitter rant." Gray grabs the phone. "I believe everything except for the part where he knows how to tweet." Gray replies which easily made Hawk laugh. Seeing Hawk laugh? It made him smile. "Looks like he and Sensei LaRusso are gonna have a rematch." Miguel sighed.

Hawk didn't believe any of this. "Wait so they're really gonna fight?" He asks. Olivia nods, "I put all my money on Johnny." Thomas looks at his best friend, "Oli, you're poor. Shut up."

They all look at each other, "we should've seen this coming." Gray shrugged. "This is awesome!" Hawk exclaimed. "See?!" Olivia laughed, her and Hawk both high-fiving. Sam walks past, going towards Tom. "Hey." She says but Thomas ignored her while everyone else greeted her. "Can we talk?" She asks her twin.

However, he did nothing but walk away with Miguel. "What's up with you two?" Demetri asked. "Nothing." Samantha shrugged. Miguel looked back at Sam, then back at his boyfriend. "Is..something up?" He questions the LaRusso.

He did nothing but try to dodge the question. Earning a stiff look from Miguel. Something's up.


TOM ran into the dojo, fixing his jacket. He could see his father and Johnny already kicking the shit out of each other. "Sorry I'm late. What's the score?" He whispers to his friends after he gave Miguel a kiss on the cheek.

"Johnny. We're in for a ride." Olivia replies with a small chuckle. Miguel and Sam bring the flags out. "Score. One to Two Lawrence, ready!" They both fling the flags after a couple of seconds, moving away. "Fight!"

Time passed, Olivia was watching with amusement while Gray was getting annoyed by how slow this was going. But- it wasn't until they both made a move, causing them to fall. Miguel and Sam both said the points at the same time- super confused and not sure on which was which.

Demetri spoke, "check the replay." He says. Chris did as told, Mitch pressing the okay button. "Wait!" Tom exclaims. He grabs the phone, taking it off the selfie stick. "I have amazing vision." He brags with a small smirk.

Pressing the button, he watches the video. Both.

Thomas looked at them. "So..." He trails off. "Get another angel, LaRusso." Johnny suggests. With a sigh, he corrected the old man. "There's no other angel." He hands back Chris his phone.

Miguel looked up, noticing Hawk in his hoodie. "Hawk?" Everyone whispers, seeing Hawk wasn't in a good mood. "Shit. Eli, what happened?" Olivia asks him.

Hawk removed his hoodie which revealed his mohawk completely shaved off. "Oh shit.." Thomas's jaw was practically dropped. Johnny came up to him, "who did this?" He asks in anger. "It was the Cobra's, wasn't it?" Thomas asked him.

Hawk nods slowly, looking down. "Kreese and Silver did this. They need to pay." Johnny said. "Jesus, Johnny. Please. Kreese tried to kill you. You wanna fight them both?" Daniel spoke up. "Damn right I do. Look what they did." Johnny explained quickly.

"Dousing the fire with gasoline, what's your answer? Why am I not surprised?" Miguel came in, "Sensei, stop!"

"You still think your way is the only way. You were so proud when they pulled their little sprinkler prank the other day. But if they stood their ground and kicked ass like I taught them this never would've happened." Johnny explained to Daniel in anger.

Thomas butts in, "can we not do this? Especially right now?" He asked, annoyed. "Johnny has a point. If we did kick their ass at the baseball field, Hawk wouldn't get his hair shaved off!" Sam exclaims, defending. "Stop adding more fuel to the argument, this isn't okay!" Tom moved up to her, Johnny and Daniel backing away as the twins were getting in the middle of them.

Samantha rolled her eyes, "you stop butting into stuff that isn't your business! You aren't even apart of this dojo and never have been and you never will be! So just stop!" She yelled at him, shoving him to the ground which caused him to fall to the ground. Daniel quickly butts in, "Sam! Stop, you're just making the situation worse."

Samantha easily got triggered. "You're only siding him because he's on your side!" She exclaimed. Miguel came to his lovers side, helping him up. "Alright let's knock it off. LaRusso, we're done." Johnny quickly told Daniel.

He huffed, "works for me."

Miguel and Tom glance at each other. "Are you shitting me?" Olivia groaned. "Eagle fangs, let's go." Thomas looked down. "I'll..see you later." He says. Miguel looked back at Daniel, before quickly nodding. Olivia and Gray stood by the cobras, frowning.

No, no one liked this ending.

💅💅sam and thomas conflict? yes.

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