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"SO this is the guy who founded Miyagi-Do?" Miguel questioned, looking at his portrait that was hung inside the dojo. Thomas, who was currently trying to stretch replies, "uhh yeah, that's Mr. Miyagi. He's the one who taught my dad karate." "Oh...like how Sensei Lawrence learned from Kreese."

"Yeah, expect he wasn't really anything like Kreese." Tom chuckles, standing up. "Right." Miguel turns his head, "what's this?" He picks up the hand drum from the shelf. "That is an Okinawan hand drum." Tom replies with a smile, happy that he was telling him these things.

Miguel taps it, looking back up. "What does it do?" The teenager laughs, "i'll learn that soon." "How are you doing with learning? Have any new moves?" He fake punches him, making Tom laugh again. "I'd have you know I am a quick learner." He bragged, smiling to himself.

"You sure about that?" He dramatically gasped, "Miguel Diaz!" They both laugh again, goofing around. Miguel puts the drum in his pocket, looking back at him. "Let me show you a new move I learned." "Awww, did little Miggy learn a new move?" Thomas teases with a pout.

Miguel laughs, "okay you want me to show you or not?" He nods, "give me your hands." Tom did as told, he grabs his hands and he twists them around, softly letting Thomas fall on the floor. "Not bad..."

"See? Impossible to defend." He says with a smirk which caused Tom to lean in and kiss him. As the two were making out, Daniel had walked in with a box in his arms. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" He exclaims, making the two boys pull away quickly. "Hey dad...." Thomas says awkwardly, scratching his head. "Hey uh...."

"Is that my drum in your pocket?"

"Dad, I thought I could have Miguel over now you said that." Thomas defends as Miguel was waiting outside. "Two new rules. One, you ask before you go tell and whenever Miguel comes over to the dojo leave the door open." Daniel explained simply.

There was no way in hell he would agree to the second rule, one thing about Tom was he NEEDS privacy. "Dad, is that really necessary? Come on.." Tom groans. "Listen, you're all grown up now, you're seventeen, I understand."

"Dad, don't you trust me?"

"I do it's just- I don't want you to you know...." He tries to find the words to say while Tom just said it, "have sex?" Daniel sighs, nodding. "What's the pain in that? I cant get pregnant. I didn't get preg-....."

Daniel looks at his son, "you what?"

"Didn't get pregnant....." He trails off, making Daniel find out what he meant. "Wait what?!" He exclaimed. "Dad! Hear me out, it was last year and we we're drunk!" Correction, Miguel was. "What the hell, Tom?!"

𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍, miguel diaz ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now