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season four

episode four, bicaphaly

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episode four, bicaphaly

HAWK & Thomas walk down the halls, "what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" He asks softly, leaning his back against a wall. Yes, ever since Hawk wanted to change it hadn't been easy for him. Of course Tom felt bad but at the same time- what did he expect?

"Look..I just.." No, this wasn't easy for Hawk. "Im sorry. Okay? I really don't have a problem with you and Miguel I just...Miguel was really really scared back then, I thought I was helping him.." He trails off, way too nervous to look at Tom. "If I could take it back, I would."

Thomas let out a soft sigh, "as much as everything you did was extremely messed up, I think we can negotiate." He shrugged. "How?" The teen thinks for a moment, before kicking Hawk in the balls which caused him to groan in pain.

Thomas let out a sigh of relief, helping Hawk up. They both shake hands, Hawk still in pain. "Now we're good." He lets out a laugh. Hawk was still groaning in pain, Tom laughing a bit. He was about to speak, but someone caught his eye. a Cobra Kai shirt.

He walked into a bathroom, Tom staring deeply at him. "What?" Hawk asks him, noticing immediately. Thomas looked at the red mohawked teen, "someone I know is in cobra kai?" He guesses, hoping it wasn't true. "Where?" Hawk asks, anger hitting him. "Bathroom." Thomas quickly answers and watches Hawk walk towards it.

Tom reacted in a panic, "wait! Hawk! No! Damnnit!" He chases after him. Hawk walked in, Kenny was about to hit Nate and Bert but he catches him. Hawk pins him to the stall, noticing the shirt. "Thinking about striking first, huh?"

Tom gulped, watching the event unfold. "I- word of advice, kid. Get out of Cobra Kai while you still can. 'Cause they're about to go down. And it's not gonna be pretty." He lets go, walking out of the bathroom.

Nate and Bert followed, Nate bumping his shoulder as they laughed at him. Thomas stood there, a sad expression on his face. "Are you okay?" He asks Kenny, checking if he was hurt. "Are they your friends?" He asked him quickly.

Tom purses his lips, "they may seem like assholes but..they're saving you." He tried to find a way to explain this. "How?" "Cobra Kai? It isn't what you seem. They're gonna manipulate you and turn into someone you don't wanna be." He explains, picking up Kenny's jacket from the ground.

He hands him the jacket, " careful, Kenny. I know Olivia wouldn't like any of this right now. She use to be a Cobra. Okay?" Kenny didn't do anything but slowly nod, Thomas walking out of the bathroom.

𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍, miguel diaz ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now