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WHAT Thomas was doing now we're apparently methods that Samantha and Daniel used when they learned karate then. Now, the teen was off the crutches. Of course he still had his brace on but, he could only limp which so far he knew he was getting closer to walking again. Miguel was off the wheelchair as well.

He also never expected to join a dojo, specifically his fathers. Olivia even joined as well as Gray, so the teen was happy that he could have his best friends with him. Thomas and Miguel were currently walking together in the halls, "isn't that like...bad for your health?" Ask Miguel.

"Honestly, I don't know but me and Olivia are doing it one day." Thomas smiles to himself which Miguel instantly declined. "No, no, no. You and Oli are not staying up for three days." He nods which made his boyfriend sigh dramatically, "but why?" He complained, leaning on his shoulder and pouting, causing Miguel to blush. As he was about to speak, Sam showed up.


The two look at the girl, "what's up?" Asked Tom. Sam trailed her eyes on them, "you okay?" He asked again which Samantha took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. "I'm really sorry." She looks at Miguel. "No, I am. I should've listened to you and not Tory.."

Tom furrowed his eyebrows, "what did Tory do?" They both look at him, "Tory was the one who told everyone." He replies, "about us?" They both nod a yes, making Tom sigh. "So, does this mean we're all good now?" He asked. They all smile, "yes."

They turn their gaze at Oli and Demetri making out in a corner, "olivia?" Tom asked. They pull away, looking at them. Thomas could easily know that they were taking their relationship more further since they never done couple shit like this in public, especially at school.

"Can I help you?" Oli eyes them, "thomas!" A familiar voice exclaims. He turns around, seeing Counselor Maxwell. Sam and Miguel look at her, "may I have a word, please?" She asks which made him dread it now.

"Who is that?" Miguel questions. "Some...lady who helped my dad, I'll be right back...bye guys." "Wait." He says, making Tom stop. Miguel kisses his cheek, making Tom smile. He limps towards her, walking into the office.

They head into her own office, Tom taking a seat. "What is it?" He asks her. "Someone came in today. Told me, there's a boy in my grade who I think might be self harming." She starts, which easily made his anxiety come back. "He said, it's a LaRusso."

"Let me guess, you knew it wasn't Sam because she's such a goody two shoes." That wasn't even true, Sam was literally filled with anxiety and has been since the fight at school. "Is that what you think?" She questioned, making Tom nod. She sighed, leaning on the desk with her hands folded.

𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍, miguel diaz ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now