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THOMAS was happy to see his boyfriend tapping his foot, meaning he was already succeeding at walking again. However, the teenager never expected to end up in Johnny Lawrence's apartment, his dad would kill him. As for what happened that night with Cobra Kai, he was traumatized. He was scared, not mostly for Sam but for everyone else around him. The teen was worried that Olivia was next to get hurt, she was already suffering enough at home, why her?

"You writing a novel?" Miguel spoke, making Tom jump out of his thoughts. He glances at Johnny's computer screen, seeing a whole ass essay written. "Oh. No, it's a Facebook message." He answers as he comes back from grabbing a beer. "That? For who?" Thomas questions, sinking his back on the couch. "I, uh...babe from high school."

"Oh." He nods, understanding. "Ali." Johnny replies again. "Ali? Like, the Ali?" Miguel asks in excitement. "Wait- I'm confused, who's Ali? Is she famous?" Tom furrowed his eyebrows, looking at the two. "This is huge. This is huge! She and Johnny go way back." Miguel looks at Tom, explaining. "So...she's not famous?"

"Ask your dad, he'll know." He smirks, taking a sip of his beer. Here's the thing, he and his dad barley even talk anymore. Maybe it was the fact that Daniel was scared of losing his child, his first son. Daniel tried everything, therapy, food, talking, nothing worked so he figured he'd just let Tom be. He wasn't a shitty dad, but then sometimes he was.

"You're not..actually gonna send that, are you?" Tom looks at Johnny and then back at the computer screen. "You cannot send her that message." Miguel remarks slowly, making sure Johnny heard him clearly. "Why not?" He asked the couple. "Because that message is like...two-hundred pages, dude. And...for some reason in all caps, she's gonna think your one of those screaming people in Japan."

Miguel and Johnny both stare at Tom confused. "I've see them.." He spoke with a shrug. "Guys, I have thirty-five years' worth of stuff to say, all right?" He moves the computer towards him so he could see the screen better. "Ok, yeah, yeah. Yeah. But shorter messages are way cooler. Like, this just looks desperate. And a little creepy." Miguel explained verbally.

"Sending her this would be like if you...." He trails off and thinks of what to say. "liked all her posts." Tom finishes for him, making Miguel snap his fingers and point at him, "exactly."

Johnny looks down and the two instantly knew what he meant. "Oh, no." The teenagers said at the same time, disappointed looks on their faces. "What the hell, guys? I enjoyed the photos! And there's a button for that, why wouldn't I click it?" Johnny defends.

"Because she can see that."

"All right, I got amped-up, ok?" He looks at the computer screen. "Look, she put a smiley face. It's even got little red cheeks." He points at the emoji, showing it to them. "Is she gettin' hot? Feelin' hot? What am I supposed to do with that?" Johnny explained. "It's probably a nice gesture." Tom guesses with a small shrug.

𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍, miguel diaz ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now