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season four

episode two, first learn stand

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episode two, first learn stand.

"THOMAS. Maybe next time, have Gray fill the fucking gas next!" Olivia yelled at him. Thomas scoffs, "it's not my fault! I didn't know it wasn't going through..." He looks down, Miguel rolls his eyes. "You guys bicker too much, it's annoying." Gray smiles.

Oli rolled her eyes, crossing her arms as the four of them stopped at a crosswalk. Next to them was someone dancing, obviously the group let the kid be...why wouldn't they? Olivia thought his dance moves were cool, he liked it a lot, he even liked that the boy didn't care she was watching.

He looked happy and Oli loved that. It wasn't until a bus pulled up and there laughter was immediately heard. The bus driver honks, causing the others to jump as well as the other boy. All the kids laughed, Thomas recognized some of them.

"Isn't that the bus your brothers on?" Miguel questions. Thomas sighs, looking over at the scared boy. "Hey." He calls out. He looks at Tom, "don't pay attention to them."

Olivia nods, "yeah. Your moves are sick, they probably make their mom do their laundry for them." She spoke up with a smile. "What's your name?" She asked. "Kenny.." He responds nervously. "Well, Kenny..I'm Olivia. This is Tom, Miguel, and Gray. Go on the bus, alright? If anything else happens just..come for us." She explains.

"But how would I- shh." She shushes him. "Don't worry about that." Olivia nods, "now go."

They all watched him go. "God I really hope Anthony isn't gonna be a dick to him." Thomas sighs, leaning his head back. "I'm sure he won't. I like Anthony." Miguel shrugs. "He only likes you because the one time we paid him not to tell when he found the lube on the kitchen counter." Thomas explained quickly.

Olivia laughed a bit and Gray was immediately confused. "Please don't tell me you guys.." He trails off. Miguel smirks a bit while Tom flustered and held his hand. "Gray. You do realize how horny they get? They fucked in the dojo too." Olivia laughs.

Diaz looks at his boyfriend, who told Olivia this? Because this actually never happened... "Did you?.." He asks with curiosity. "Do you guys hear that?" Thomas asks quickly. "Oh my god, me too!" Olivia catches on. "Come on!" With confused faces, Tom walks away.

"Damn it! Tommy! Answer the question!"

Thomas was in front of Anthony's brother's door, hearing what him and his stupid friends were talking about. They were pranking Kenny, pretending they were some girl named Lia. They said they want to meet up with him at the park tomorrow night.

𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍, miguel diaz ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now