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season one

episode five, counterbalance

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episode five, counterbalance.

THOMAS and Oli walk through lunch, sitting at the tables with their food trays. This morning he woke up to a good morning text from Miguel and to be honestly it made his stomach flutter like butlerflies. "Ouu, who are you texting?" Olivia teases. "Miguel." He answered causally, putting his phone down.

"Ugh, thought it was a special someone. "Keep dreaming." He joked, making her laugh. The laughter stops as the two hear Sam speaking. "Think it's funny to spread lies about me?" Him and Olivia look at her talking to Kyler, "What are you talking about?" He asks acting dumbfounded.

"We saw a movie, and that's it." Kyler reassures. However, his mood changed quickly and he just smirked. "Well, maybe I saw a little bit more than you." The cafeteria began to ooo, enjoying all of this already. Thomas quickly gets up, Olivia trying to stop him but he didn't listen. "Why don't you guys leave her alone and walk away?" He spoke rudely. Thomas would never speak to Kyler that way, but his sister was someone he genuinely cared about. "What are you gonna do? Buy me some pepto?" Kyler teases.

"Hey, guys. You know that billboard with a big-ass dick on it?" He looks at everyone. "I guess the two twins take after their dad." The students "ou" once again and then laugh, making Thomas look down in embarrassment. "Thomas, come on." Olivia walked up to him pulling the males arm. "Hey Kyler!"

There was a pissed off Miguel.

He sets his tray down, walking up to him. "Why don't you shut the hell up and stop being such an asshole?" Miguel shots at him, Olivia holding in a laugh. "Want another beat down, 'Rhea?" Kyler shoves the other harshly. "I'm ready for your lame-ass karate this time." He pushes once again. "It's not lame-ass karate." Miguel glared at him.

Miguel grabs his arm as Kyler was about to punch him, "It's Cobrai Kai." He corrects before punching him in the face making Olivia's jaw drop and the students react. Seeing his nose bled-way too much.

Kyler holds Miguel and pushes him on both lunch tables. Kyler had his arm wrapped around Miguel's throat but he elbows him in the ribs, then punches him in the dave before kicking him to the side. "No mercy!" Aisha yelled. Pretty soon, Miguel was fighting Kyler's group and he was winning so far. He uses a lunch tray to dodge and hit all of them, as Kyler gets back up Miguel gets on top of a table. He kicks Kyler then hits him across the face with a lunch tray.

The students began to cheer, Olivia joining with the others. "That was the most coolest shit I've ever seen! Holy shit!" She exclaims making Thomas laugh. He and Miguel share a glance, the two smile. The way Miguel looked at him made his stomach flutter again, god he was so cute. But, he then went and looked at Sam who was giving him the same look.

Tom looked down, pretending like the look never happens. "Hey! Get down from there right now." The principal exclaimed. He follows her, but that didn't stop the students from cheering.


Thomas was on his phone, for once home alone so all he did was sleep, eat, and watch stupid movies. LaRusso was laying on his bed, hearing his phone ring on his nightstand. Tom quickly picks it up, bringing the phone to his ear. "Hey!" He exclaims happily, "Hey." Thomas smiles. "Listen uh...are you busy?"

Thomas chuckles. "Nope." "Then would you maybe wanna come over?" Miguel questions. The other teen was filled with extreme excitement. "Sure." Thomas replied softly. "Great. I'll text you the address, bye Tom." With that, he hung up. He just stares at his phone, not believing he was going to Miguel Diaz's house. Thomas gets up quickly, spraying a shit ton of body spray.

After checking himself in the mirror a shit ton of times, he raced out of the house while reading the address of Miguel's place on his phone. He went through directions as he walks, soon he reaches the destination. Thomas takes a deep breath before knocking on the door, a woman answered it. "Ma! I said I was gonna answer it." Miguel groaned. "Sorry, mijo. You never told me we would have company. Carmen." The black haired lady says with a smile. "Thomas." He shakes her hand.

He walks in, smiling. "I'm Rosa, Miguel's wonderful grandma." The spanish woman hugs Thomas, "Nice to meet you guys." He said. "Ma, we're gonna go to my room. Let's go."

The two walk into the room, "Does your mom know what happened today?" He asked. "Nope, please don't say anything.." He begged. "Your secret? is safe to me." The two laugh. "So..your sister." Miguel playfully says as the two sit on the bed. Thomas for sure not stupid. "Ew! Miguel, What the hell." He rolls his eyes in disgust.

"If you wanna date her. Leave me out of this."

Literary, Wait. Why was Thomas feeling jealous right now?

i haven't written
a fight scene in a

-LIV!i haven't written a fight scene in awhile-

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