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OLIVIA and Demetri walk in the cafeteria, their earth science presentation in their hands. Olivia was making sure his clumsy self wouldn't drop it completely. "Guys! What is that?" Moon exclaims with a smile. "I'm glad you asked." Demetri sets it on the table, removing the sheet. "Behold...what scientists believe to be the valley, when dinosaurs roamed the earth."

Olivia looks at her boyfriend in awe, "oh! press the hadrosaur egg!" The ginger told Yasmine. She did as told, hearing screeching and small smoke coming out of the fake volcano. "Not bad!" She says. "My parents may not have to pay for my A."

"Nah, you got daddies money still." Olivia told her, making Yasmine glare at the girl. "This is literally eight thousand, two hundred and fifty one pieces, this meticulously assembled model represents the exact moment before the asteroid hit-"

Suddenly, a basketball was thrown at them, crashing the model and hitting Oli in the stomach. She groaned in pain, while Hawk and his group were cheering. He looks at his girlfriend in panic, then back at his model, then back at Hawk. "Oh. Pfft. I'm sorry, guys. Looks like my ball just got away from me." The teenager smirks, catching his ball.

"Why her?" He asks him angry. "That took us three weeks to build, asshole!" Olivia exclaims while her hand was on her stomach. "Eh, took my ball three second to destroy, plus isn't it fun for a little chaos to the gingers?" He walks away towards his friends, leaving the two angry. "Do you two have another one?" Asked Yasmine.

"What kind of fucking question is that?" Olivia sassed her, rolling her eyes. "I'm gonna kill them." Demetri says before walking over towards them. Oli follows, going behind him. "Another week, another pissing contest. I shouldn't be surprised since you like pissing so much." He talks back.

Thomas, Sam and Gray were about to sit down for lunch, but their attention got caught as they spot them. "You landed one kick. You got lucky." Hawk told him. "Back off, or you won't be lucky." Samantha, Tom, and Gray were now in front of them. Hawk scoffs, "like you two princesses wouldn't start anything. Or, should I say fairy, Thomas?" He teases.

This made him angry, the teenager shoves Hawk. "What's going on, Mr LaRusso?" Counselor Blatt asks. "You know our physical contact guidelines. Did he enter your personal bubble without verbal consent?" She asks Hawk. "Yeah he definitely triggered me in my safe space."

His face turns red, he then makes a fist, the anger rushing towards him. "What the hell?" Gray exclaimed. "He started this shit because he destroyed our science project!" Olivia exclaimed angry. "Language, Ms Frankson!"

"That was an accident! You probably shouldn't bring toys to school." He looks at the couple. "I don't want excuses, I just want you two to respect each other." She explains. "She's right we should stop the aggression. Micro and macro." Hawk says. "Oh, give me a break." Samantha glared at the man.

𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍, miguel diaz ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now