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season four

episode six, kicks gets chicks

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episode six, kicks gets chicks.

TOM walked with Miguel and Johnny. They were both helping him get girls on their team since they needed one more. "Okay. This is it. This is where most of the girls team practice." Miguel spoke. The girls were waving and saying hi to Thomas who easily said hi back.

"What are you a ladies man?" Johnny asked Thomas. He looked at the blonde man with a weird look, "I'm gay. The girls know me because I helped them break up with their toxic boyfriends." He replies. "Whatever. Just watch and learn, guys. Watch and learn."

Thing was, the couple did not learn even once. Johnny was doing nothing but being a creep. "Why didn't he ask me to do the talking?" Miguel shrugged, both of them looking very weirded out. It wasn't until Johnny used his second idea which was using Miguel. "Trust me, the chicks are gonna love this." "Hey, too much!" Miguel exclaimed.

Thomas gave Johnny a dirty glare the whole time. Standing by Miguel as he did nothing but flex his muscles. "Miguel, I can think of much other things you can do with those hands." He whispered in his ear. "You asshole. We're at school." Miguel glares back.

Tom shrugged, "I can see through that ugly shirt. What'd you expect?" He looks back up, "Tom, this is your shirt." "Oh.."'

"I don't get it, I thought girls today were supposed to be tough." Johnny complained as they walked. Miguel was back in his regular clothes. "Johnny, next time. Don't be a pedo." He then moves and mocks Johnnys voice. "You gotta be under eighteen or it's a no go." The blonde gives him a glare.

"Hey, Miguel and Tom." Moon spoke. The couple stop in their tracks, smiling at the girl. "Hey Moon, what's up?" Miguel asks. She shrugged. "Apparently some perverse was creepy on the track team so we're gonna practice inside." Tom snorts a bit, making Johnny look clueless.

She asks them, "what are you guys doing here?" Thomas crossed his arms. "Recruiting for their new dojo." He replies. "Eagle Fang Karate." An idea pops into Miguel's mind, "you know, you should totally join, actually!" He exclaims.

Moon smiled brightly. "Really? Okay. Yeah, that sounds like fun." She jumps in happiness. But, her smile dropped once again. "Wait. Do...Do I have to hit anyone?" Johnny nods, "hell yeah you do." Moon looked down, declining the offer. "Oh, no, then I-I'm out. I...I can't do the whole psychical aggression thing." She explains.

Suddenly, another idea popped into her mind. "You know, you guys should try my ex." Miguel and Tom sigh, "Hawk? Yeah he's- no, other ex. She's the best athlete in school and she's not afraid to get into a fight." Moon explained to the three.

Miguel and Johnny smirk, "sounds like the badass babe we've been looking for." He said in a success. "Yeah, you might want to take a different approach with her." Moon's smile dropped. "Want some pointers?" She recommended.


Olivia ran down the stairs of Hawk's house, going towards the basement where Demetri, Hawk, and Gray sat at. "Everyone at school knows what happened. It's embarrassing." Hawk spoke. Olivia crossed her arms, sighing. "Who cares what they think? Besides, it'll grow back." He defends.

Hawk looked down. "It doesn't matter. I ruined my reputation, talked a big game, and just proved I was an asshole. I don't even understand how Tom can forgive me for what I did." He explains coldly. "And especially you guys." He looked at the boys, then over at Olivia.

Hawk pursed his lips. "I got what I deserved. I'm...Im done with karate, okay?" He explains to them. "I quit."

He quit.

"Piper worked? Congrats." Thomas laughs, the teen had left early to come home since he didn't want to walk all the way to the gymnastic park she was at. He hear Sam yelling, which alerted him. "Miguel..I gotta call you back..I love you." He says before hanging up.

Thomas stopped in his tracks as he sees Tory sitting at the dinner table. "Uh..I think you have the wrong house." He says, scratching his head. "Listen- You'll listen to what Tom has to say! Or what Tory has to say! But nobody listens to what I have to say?" He hears Samantha yell out loud.

Tom let out a sigh before going over towards. "Well look who it is." Samantha crossed her arms. "Maybe this time, they'll listen to you little Mr. Perfect." She explained before walking away. Thomas watched her in silence, his fist clenching in anger. "Thanks for the backup." Amanda muttered, heading towards the kitchen.

Thomas walks to Sam's room, knocking on the door. "What the fuck was that?" Tom immediately asks, shutting her door. "Little Mr Perfect? Do you know who the hell you are?" Samantha rolled her eyes.

"Oh please, we all know how true it is!" She exclaimed. He nods. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked in disbelief. "What's wrong with me??" She repeats with a small laugh. "What's wrong with me?..." She muttered quietly.

She looks back up at him. "I don't know, Tom. What is wrong with me?" Samantha asked him. Thomas stayed silent. Sam got up from her bed, getting close to her twins face. "I wish you didn't wake up at that hospital." She began.

Tom looked at her, still not saying a word. She walked, causing Thomas to back up. "I wish you were in that fight and I could've kicked your ass." She said once again. "Stop.." Thomas spoke, backing away. "I wish you weren't apart of this family! I wish you didn't fuck everything up!" Samantha yelled in his face, Tom feeling the puddle collecting under his eye.

His back hit the wall. "I hate you." She finally said before Thomas shoved her as hard as he could. "Shut up! Okay?! Just shut up!" Thomas sobbed out. Samantha looked up from the ground, "is that what you wanted to hear? Little Mr perfect."

Silence left the room, Tom wondered how the fuck him and Samantha got to this. "Whatever. We're fucking done with." He sniffles as he walked out of her room. He stopped in his tracks as he saw Daniel, standing there with a sad expression on his face.

So, right there he just crashed into his father's arms as he sobbed unconditionally. Daniel gave in, hearing how bad the fight must've been.

There sat Olivia and Gray whom kept exchanging glances at how awkward it was hearing Demetri trying to get Hawk back into karate. "Hawk." She spoke.

Olivia let out a sigh. "I understand. A lot. You're one of my bestest friends." She explained. "And you're my binary brother. Without you, we're all nothing." Demetri finished for her.

Hawk looked at them, his frown still staying. "Hawk, do whatever you feel like is right. Leave it all behind, do anything. Okay?" And that was the sentence that made Hawk's frown turn into a soft smile.

sam: they see me rolling,
they hating 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
also i'm working on a
new layout sorry
the others aren't updated yet

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