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season two

episode three, all in

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episode three, all in.

THOMAS was seating with Moon, Aisha, Tory, and Oli in a restaurant while Miguel was sitting across from them working on something. "Oh my god Yasmine has the same bikini as me!" Moon exclaims. "Tell her she can stay in France." Aisha rolls her eyes. "And she can suck it." Olivia chuckles. Thomas and Olivia are working their ways, last night they talked it all out and the two were planning on getting back together.

Tory throws a ice cube at Miguel, bothering him on what he was working on. Thomas easily got jealous, but like then he didn't even know if Miguel fucking liked him. When he spent the night, they cuddled, he tried to kiss him at Valley Fest. So,

is Miguel Diaz gay for Thomas Larusso?

He didn't know, the two were confused, just like everything in general. "God, please shoot me in the head." Thomas groans as he lays his head down on the table. "What's wrong with you?" Aisha asks. "I just hate life right now. So many confusing bullshit." He answers.

"I feel you. My moms actually working right now guys." Olivia said sarcastically making Thomas flip her off. "Are you two friends again?" Moon questioned. "Yeah...we are." Olivia smiles at Tom. He looks at her and the two do their handshake, laughing at each other. "Good, I cannot handle Olivia's rants." Tory rolled her eyes. "Okay, ouch!"

"You get used her rants, and her love for bunnies and Leonardo DiCaprio." He teases making the girls laugh and Olivia blush in embarrassment. The group eat their food as it came, talking about whatever bullshit there was to talk about. "Your sisters a bitch." Tory looked at Tom. "I'm surprised you two aren't alike."

Thomas shrugs, "I never really liked karate, fighting, nor talking in general." Tory nodded, "Well I like you and I'm still waiting for her to apologize." Thomas nods, "I'll talk to her." He plops a mozzarella stick in his mouth.

Pretty soon, Moon and Aisha left. Thomas got up, Olivia and him were gonna walk. "Tom?" She called out. The teen was staring at Tory who was talking with Miguel, she glanced seeing him look at the two. Olivia sighed, "Thomas, let's go." Tom looks at her and nods. The two began walking out.

They reached towards a liquor store, sitting on the curb as they joke around and laugh. "Now, tell me the real deal. Do you like Tory?" Oli smirked. Thomas froze and nodded, "No..." She scoffs, "Then how come you were staring at her and Miguel, I could tell you were jealous."

"It's not...her that I like."

Olivia looked at him confused. "That party, when Miguel got drunk...I-I took him home." He started, already on the verge of crying. "We-we hooked up, Olivia." He lets out out a shaky breath as tears streamed down his cheeks. "Then at the tournament, he said he wasn't gay and what we did was a mistake. Next thing I know he tries to kiss me at fucking Valley Fest, h-he cuddled me the other night, he holds my hand..." He cried.

"A-and I don't know if he's gay. He's not speaking on it and it hurts Olivia! It's hurts...so bad..." He buried his head into her chest, Oli hugs him. She was so shocked from what he told her, "Tom...shhh, it's alright." He wasn't loud or anything plus there really wasn't anyone here.

Suddenly, Johnny came over, a confusing and shocking expression plastered onto his face. "What did i just hear?" he asks. Olivia looks up at him, "Sensei. Shit, uh." Thomas and Oli look at each other in a panic. Olivia must've not recognized his car. Tom wipes his tears and the two stood up, "Miguel's..gay?" He asked.

God, this was so fucking bad. "No. he's not." Tom answers weakly. "Then what did i just hear?" Olivia sighs, "Can we talk about after practice tomorrow?" She looks at him. "Please. Don't tell anyone, even Miguel." Thomas begs. Johnny nodded, the look not leaving him one bit as he walked towards his car and drove away.

Thomas knew he just fucked up badly.


THE teen needed to get his mind off of everything so, Olivia gave him some weed and this motherfucker was on cloud nine. His dad thinks he's spending the night at Olivia's, which he was but wasn't coming back until later.

Slowly, he looks over and sees Miguel sitting at the playground. He was about to walk over and say hi, but he stopped once he saw Tory. His heart sunk into pieces as he saw the two kiss, either he was fucking high or that was literally Miguel and Tory kissing.

He gulps, choking back tears. Miguel pulled away quickly, he could see Tom from the corner of his eye. "Tom! I need to go." He gets up quickly and chases after Thomas who was walking away. "Tom!" He exclaimed.

"Was this all just a funny game?" He questions, turning around. "No.." Miguel let out, looking at him. "Then either I'm really fucking stoned right now or you just kissed someone after you tried to kiss me!" Thomas rolled his eyes. "Why do you think I did it?! I'm still trying to get over you!" He exclaimed.

"Oh? So you are gay?"

"No! I like boys and girl but- you don't like me back so...I-I can't. I can't be gay! I just can't. My mom wouldn't accept, no one would, I can't!" He explains quickly making Thomas cry. He didn't say anything either than crash into his arms, sobbing into his arms, letting his tears soak into his black and red hoodie.

This was by far, the worst day ever.

you guys hear someone
sobbing? anyways, happy

-LIV!you guys hear someonesobbing? anyways, happy halloween

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