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season one

episode two, strike first

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episode two, strike first.

OLIVIA and Thomas sat down at the table with Daniel and Amanda, both looking at them with awkward expressions. "How long have you been doing this?" Daniel questions. "Few months." Oli shrugged. "Months?! Do you know how bad weed is for you? It's a drug!" He exclaims dramatically. "Dad, please just chill out."

"I won't! This is drugs we're talking about here Thomas!" Daniel exclaimed. "Okay, listen I'm gonna take Olivia home and I'll talk to her. Please calm down and talk with him." Amanda whispers the last sentence to Daniel. "I'll text you, if my phone doesn't get taken away." He chuckles before the two do their handshake.

He brings his attention back to his father. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? But you really shouldn't be freaking out about this.." "Do you know how much trouble you can get if anyone found out?" Daniel argues. "Why do you think we did it here? Its better than me doing acid or meth or something and we did it somewhere safe. It's better than us being out there, where we can get caught." He explains.

Daniel sighed, "I'm just trying to look out for you." Thomas crossed his arms, "I know...everyone is."
"We just get worried, that's all."

His lips pursed, "Can I go to my room?" Daniel nodded which the teen quickly got up and went to his room. He slams his door, burying his face into his pillows as he stared.

His mind went to worthless thoughts. How much he failed his father again or if he disappointed him.

Okay so. Thomas wasn't alone in the neglection of his family. His younger brother Anthony, was a dick.

Thomas was the complicated one, poor grades, low self esteem, he always thought no one in his family loved him. But then again, if he pretends to be happy maybe they'll be proud of him.

His family left him out most of his life and they were doing the same exact thing to Anthony next.


THOMAS looks for Oli at lunch, sighing as he sets his tray down. "Im guessing you got your phone taken away." She laughs. "I don't get it back till tomorrow." He huffed once he sat down. "Aww, does little Tommy miss his phone?" She teases, pouting. "You can shut it."

The two laugh which died down after they saw the boy from lasy night approaching them. "Hey, I uh..I just wanted to say thanks for the pepto, my grandmas much better." He lets out, smiling softly. "Oh, it's no problem. Kyler and his friends are assholes, I'm glad your grandmas better."

"Miguel." He introduced, "Thomas."
"Olivia." "You're new? Right?" He asks. "Uh...yeah, I am." He sighed. "Well uh, welcome, new kid." Olivia tells him.

Thomas scanned the teen as him and Olivia were talking, he had braces, black hair, a flannel on. He was distracted from the 'nerdy' features, "Thomas?? Earth to Thomas?" Olivia waves her hand in front of him. "Huh?"

Miguel chuckled nervously, pink tints of color lighting up on his cheeks. "I'll see you two around." And then he walked away from the two. "He seems nice." Oli told him. "Mhm." He nodded, not taking his eyes off the male.

When you're Larusso and grounded, it's never a good feeling. Tonight, Thomas was supposed to hang out with Olivia tonight but instead he's now sitting at the dinner table with Kyler-his twin sisters crush. He hates Kyler, he's a bully and just a dickhead in general.

He could see Kyler glancing at him once and a while, a nervous expression plastered onto his face. This just made Thomas want to laugh.

"Uh, no, thanks. I don't like sushi." He declines at Daniel's offer. "Uh...are you sure you just don't wanna try a little piece?" Amanda suggests, giving it a try. "It melts in your mouth." Daniel exaggerates. "No, fish kind of grosses me out." Thomas rolls his eyes, sinking into his chair.

"No, you like fish. What about the fish sticks at school?" Sam brings up. "Oh yeah, fish sticks are dope. You have fish sticks?" He asked Daniel. "Uh, no, just this fresh fish I picked up from the Japanese market this morning." Samantha and Thomas both exchange glances, they could tell this wasn't going well.

"You know...why don't we see if we can find Kyler something he can eat. Sam, you wanna come with me to the kitchen?" Amanda asked. "Sure." Sam gets up, following her mother. Thomas then crosses his arms from boredom.

He listens to the two talk, remembering this was the dude who dumped pepto on fucking Miguel. "Dad, can I please go to my room. I'm tired..." He lies, ignoring Kylers looks. Daniel sighs, "Okay, okay. You get your phone in the morning."

Thomas quickly got up and walks to his room. He turns on the tv before laying on his bed. Thomas stares at his ceiling, his thoughts on Miguel coming back to him.

This became hard to ignore.

i did not realize
how short velveteen chapters
use to be.

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𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍, miguel diaz ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now