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"I CANT focus if you keep moving, silly!" Miguel exclaimed, chuckles escaping both their mouths

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"I CANT focus if you keep moving, silly!" Miguel exclaimed, chuckles escaping both their mouths. Miguel had been wanting to put eyeliner on Tom, it had been on his "bucket list with tom :)"

But, like usual he was failing miserably at it. "How the hell do you do this?" He complains. Thomas grabbed his lovers hand, "I'll show you, alright?" Diaz sighed, the two switching positions. He sat on the bed, Thomas now having his full concentration. "Stay still."

Tom had learned how to do eyeliner a few weeks ago, he got the hang of it so it was very easy. He traces against Miguel's eyelid, "and...done." He smiles softly. "Already?" Miguel stands up, walking towards Tom's mirror. "How do you do it so perfect?" He looks back.

Thomas smirks a bit, "I have my ways." The two chuckle a bit, wrapping his arms around Miguel's torso. Miguel had turned back around, facing Thomas. He wraps his arms around his neck, the two leaning in for a soft and long kiss.

A knock was heard at the door, making the two pull away slowly. Samantha opened the door, "sorry to interrupt. Dad said to keep the door open five inches." This was about the third time Daniel got triggered. Tom let out a small laugh as he turned around, Miguel's hands now wrapped around his torso. "Alright.."

Samantha smiled a bit before leaving, Thomas was really glad that it wasn't awkward to them anymore. But like then, Samantha had lost feelings for Miguel and still likes Robby. "Now I need to fix my eyeliner." Tom looked at himself in the mirror, Miguel watching as he wiped the eyeliner.

Thomas smudged his around his eyes rather than create a wing. "You look dead." Miguel spoke. "Good. I was hoping for that, come on." They both walk out his room, "hey, dad. Can me and Miguel go to the Library?" He asked politely, hoping he'd say yes.

Daniel looked at the two, he was getting dinner ready at the moment. "Sure, just don't be late to dinner? Louie's coming.." Thomas and Miguel chuckle a bit, "we'll back before, thank you." He grabs the car keys to him and Sam's car, walking out the door with his boyfriend. "You two seem to be getting along."

A smile formed across his face as they enter in the car, "yeah...we're working on it."

Tom and Miguel both enter the Library, hand in hand. "So, what exactly are we looking for?" Miguel asks. Thomas turns turns to look at him, "books? Isn't that on our bucket list?" Miguel thinks for a minute, library date!

"How'd you remember?..."

They look at each other in awe, but it faded as they heard a familiar voice. "Well, look who it is. The fags." Kyler stood next to Tory. Tom gave him a dirty look, "goodbye." He says, about to leave but Kyler blocks him. "Hey." Miguel steps in, "back off."

"Come on. It's not worth it." Tory spoke, giving Miguel a look before the two left. "Why the fuck is Tory Nicholas and Kyler whatever the fuck at a Library?" Tom asks him. "They're idiots." Miguel shrugged.

"Agreed. Come on." They walk in a row, looking through books. " see any you like?" He asks Tom. "Not yet, you?" Miguel nods, "Sensei says reading is for losers." He admits, causing his boyfriend to chuckle.

"Your Sensei clearly spends all his time trying to figure out to work a laptop." They both laugh, almost getting shushed by a librarian. Tom gasps, "what?"

He pulls out a book, "define normal." Miguel read. "It looks good. What's it about?" Thomas turns to the back, reading the description. "Basically, emo chick and preppy chick become besties." He shrugged. Miguel gives him a weird look, "okay...that book it is."

"Are you sure I'm not gonna die?" Miguel asked Tom as he holds the joint. "Baby, we don't have to- no no I wanna do it. Just light it."

The two were laying down on the grass in the middle of some random field, it was eight-thirty. The two had to be home before nine-thirty at least. Thomas lights the end, Miguel lightly inhaling.

He let out smoke, coughing a lot which easily made Tom burst into laughter. Miguel reaches for his water, taking a sip of it. "Jesus..." He pants. Thomas inhaled, letting the smoke out just fine without coughing.

"What the fuck?..." Miguel breathes out. "You'll get the hang of it." He shrugged. The book they were reading was so good so far, they were already on chapter three but as of right now they were getting high.

This was another thing off the bucket-list, the two now had a few more shit to get done- it was a pretty long list. Miguel took in another hit, coughing a little bit lightly. Minutes passed, Tom could already tell the Diaz teen was high. "Is your dad gonna kill us?"

They stood up, almost falling. The two definitely got way too high, they literally finished the whole joint. "We're good." Tom puts the book and lighter in his bag. "Hey, you okay?" Asked Thomas. Miguel smiled softly, his red eyes easily visible.

"Yes." He answered simply, leaning in to kiss Tom. They both share a deep, strong, long kiss. He checked the time, "come on, we're gonna be late."

Miguel and Tom spot the family in the backyard, Louie with them too. "Finally you guys are back!" Amanda exclaimed. "Sorry.." Tom chuckles a bit. Miguel and him sat down next to each other, Miguel trying his best not to look high while Thomas was also trying.

"How was the library?" Daniel asks. "Great! We found a book called define normal, seems pretty interesting." He shrugs. "It's a good book." Samantha spoke, "by Julie Ann Peters?" Tom nods, smiling at his twin. The table was now filled with chatter, leaving Miguel and Tom just listening as they munched on the food.

But Tom wanted to laugh so hard at Miguel.

loved this chapter, ugh ❤️
happy pride month and happy
birthday to xolo! <33

eyeliner idea- 1-800-TAKING-A-SHIT
getting high- bruhlolcoolhaha

𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍, miguel diaz ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now