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season one

epsiode three, esqueleto

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epsiode three, esqueleto.

HE rests his sweaty fingers between the hollow piercing needle, trying to calm down his best friend. "It's gonna be quick, now shut up before my dad walks in." He quickly said. "Aren't we late to dinner? Let's just skip this, we can do it another day." Olivia rambles quickly in nervousness. Thomas ignores her sentence and quickly pokes the needle through her ear lobe. "Did you-?"

Thomas laughs as he put the stud in, "There. Now we just need the other side and we're done with you." Thomas reassures before cleaning her ear. "Second one will hurt more." He explains, grabbing another needle.

Oli let's out a painful wince, nails digging into her legs. "Okay. There." Tom said as the stud went in. Olivia looked at herself in the mirror, moving her head to get a better look at the new ear piercings.

"Thanks ugly, now which one are you doing again?" Olivia asked him. "Rook. That's probably the one my dad or mom wouldn't see." He answers her. "You sure?" Thomas nods as Olivia was cleaning the part of his ear.

Oli counts down to three before inserting the needle through. It didn't hurt at first until it was harder for it to push through. After it finally went through, she quickly inserts the jewelry in, screwing in the ball at the top. "Done. Now, Did it hurt?"

Tom just shrugs. "Ehh, Ive felt worse. Come on, let's go get dinner." The two walk out of the room and head towards the dining room. "Finally you two are back." Samantha said in a pissed off tone.

"The heck's up with you?" Thomas asks her, sitting in his seat. "Dad's chaperoning at the halloween dance." She sighed. "Guys, you won't even notice me. I'll be a ghost." Daniel told them. Tom didn't care anyways. It's not like his dad was gonna pay attention to him in public. "Ghosts are lame." Anthony spoke-not looking up from his tablet. "Yeah, I'm talking about a costume. It's just an expression."

"Just promise me you won't embarrass me." Sam begs. "Chill, even if he did, you can always give him silent treatment and then he'll learn not to do it again." Tom explained as he plopped a piece of broccoli in his mouth.
Sam rolls her eyes, crossing her arms.

"Can I be excused?"


Thomas and Olivia stood by the table of snacks, drinking and eating at the school dance. The two went as Romeo and Juliet, maybe not a great idea but it wasn't honestly the best they could come up with.

"God, these wings are so annoying!" Olivia complained. "Who's idea was it to get those?" He asks as he takes a sip of his drink. "Shut up. I'm going to the bathroom."

Thomas rolls his eyes, chuckling. "Nice costume." A boy spoke, dressed as a skeleton. "Thanks. I like yours too." He smiled. "It's Miguel, by the way." Thomas chokes on his juice, "Oh. Shit! Sorry.." He blushes embarrassedly. "It's alright, it's probably the makeup." Miguel laughs.

"What are you supposed to be?" He asks Tom. "Well, my and Oli are Romeo and Juliet, from the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio." Miguel and Thomas both say Leo's name at the same time. "How'd you- my mom is in love with him." He laughs. "Wow, Olivia is like...obsessed."

"So, how long have you two been dating?" Miguel questions, Thomas nods. "Olivia Frankson and Thomas Larusso are not dating, surprisingly." Demetri spoke as he and Eli walk towards them. "Yeah you know what? Eat shit Demetri." Olivia spoke as she comes back from the bathroom. "You hear that Eli? Kind offer, but I am gonna have to decline due to bacteria issues." He answers sarcastically making Eli chuckled a bit.

"Surprised you weren't a bunny this year." Olivia glared at him. "Bunny?" Miguel asked, confused. "Oh, she's obsessed with bunnies too." Thomas corrected. "Are you gonna keep insulting me or are you going to dance with me?" Olivia asks confidently, looking at Demetri.

Demetri stutters nervously, Thomas watching with a smirk. "Jesus. You and Eli, then." She grabs both of their hands, going towards the dance floor.

"Looks like they'll have fun." Miguel spoke. "Do you dance?" He asked. "Hell no, I'm never gonna dance." Thomas replies quickly. "Oh come on. Not even one move?"

He just nods slowly, "never." Miguel clicks his tongue, quickly sighing. "Come on, man." The other just stayed still, glaring at him as a joke.

Thomas looks behind Miguel, seeing a familiar face with Kyler and his gang. Mikey fucking Asfrole.

He remembers easily what he did. And he for sure did not know he came back.

Mikey's always been a bug to Tom, more than Kyler perhaps. He's the practically the reason he's in this situation in the first fucking place.

"Uh..let's go to the bathroom.." Thomas mutters quickly before he walked away, avoiding Mikey. Miguel just followed in confusion, trying to keep up with him.

He looks back once he enters the bathroom, sighing in relief. "Is...everything okay?" Miguel asks in a worried tone. "It's nothing. I saw my ex from a different school." He shrugs simply, trying keep this as simple as possible.

Yeah, Tom and Mikey dated? Maybe not. But he remembers all of it.

"Can we keep doing this?" Mikey whispers as Tom stood in front of him. It was freshman year, two boys in the closet doing really stupid shit.

Innocent Tom happily and excitedly nodded though, not knowing what the fuck was going to happen after.

"Shit, that sucks. I'm sorry." Miguel puts his hand on Tom's back, Thomas feeling goosebumps appear on his arms. "Thanks. Don't worry."

Miguel stares, before the door sprung open. "Thomas. I've been looking everywhere for you." "Dad?"

"He's your dad?" Miguel asked him curiously. "Uh...yeah. I did call him that. "Look-your sisters mad at me..." He explains. "Great. Look, I'll text you later." Thomas puts his hand on Miguel's, who tried not to freak the hell out. "Alright."

Thomas texted Oli and she was staying, he sighed as he entered the car with his father. "She left with her friends." He sighed. "Hey, look, you and that Miguel kid aren't best friends right?" Daniel asks. Thomas nods, "Why?"

"Nothing, I just don't want you to replace Oli, you know?" He starts the car, "Alright, dad.."

lmao i still
don't know what
to say.

-LIV!lmao i still don't know what to say

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