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season two

episode eight, glory of love

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episode eight, glory of love.

THOMAS laid on his bed, throwing and catching his ball. Suddenly, a knock was heard on the door. Tom sat up, seeing his dad walk in. "Hey, bud. You got a sec?" He questions softly. "Yeah.." He nodded. "Listen, I understand that we haven't spent a lot of time together...And- I'm not mad at you dad just cause mom is." Thomas interrupts, knowing that was what it was about.

Daniel sighs, "Your an adult, a business man, you have kids and probably a lot on your plate. Maybe we can hangout on a day your not busy?" He recommend. "Thanks Tom, I love you. How about this weekend?"

Tom nods, "If you can." Daniel kisses his forehead and walks out of his room. Suddenly, Miguel was calling him which he quickly answered. "Miss me already?" He teases. "Maybe." Miguel told him. "Listen, why don't we do a date night? Tory invited us to the roller rink, it's eighties night so....I was thinking maybe me, you, and Olivia can do a costume together?" Miguel explains.

"And what costume must you have in mind?" Tom asks. "I wanted to MJ so, we remake Thriller and you two can be the zombies?" He says which Tom nodded. "Alright then, sounds like a plan. Text me the date, I think Anthony broke something." Tom quickly hung up, before walking towards the kitchen.


FRIDAY night came and there was Thomas and Olivia coming out from his room. "Aww, you two look so adorable!" His grandma exclaimed. "Thanks, Grandma." Tom smiles softly. The two were dressed up as zombies, only makeup they had on was dark spots and some fake blood on their costumes. "Have fun, all right guys? Sam's gonna take you." Daniel said.

"Alright, bye guys!" Olivia exclaim as the two walk out of the house. "Alright, so, my dealer had these joints that he was originally gonna give to his son but he got like bad grades so now here I am." Olivia explains as they get into the car. "You wanna get high, before I have a date?" Thomas whispers quietly. "You don't have too, but I am for sure." She says as she gets out her lighter.

"I can't, I have a date." Tom rolls his eyes. Sam was driving, "Uh...Olivia are we sure I'm not gonna get contact high or something?" She asked making Olivia laugh. "Chill dude!" She exclaimed as smokes the joint.

The ride car was funny, Olivia was high as hell. As soon as they got there, she got food and was quickly munching. Samantha and Robby were talking while Thomas was looking for Miguel. "I'm starving." Samantha says. "Go join Olivia." Thomas jokes making Robby laugh. "Haha, very funny. Oh! Excuse me, can we get the menus?"

There was Tory, eyeing Samantha after finding out it was her. "Well, look who it is." She glared at her. "I, um...I didn't know you worked here." Samantha tells her. "Yeah, well, not all of us get to use daddy's credit card." Tory remarks sarcastically.

"Look, we just wanted to order some food. I'm sorry." She apologies. "There's my zombie." Miguel spoke from behind, a smile on his face. He realizes that Samantha and Robby were there, "Oh! Hey, I didn't recognize you. I..." He takes off his glasses and right now the two were in gay panic.

Olivia came, "Sup whores." She says, wrapping her arm around Miguel. "Oh, uh, Tory, this is Sam and Robby." He introduces. "Yeah, we met already. Sam and I had a little run in at the beach club." Tory explained. "So, how do you two know each other?" She asks. "Torys in Cobra Kai."


"What was that?" She questioned. Sam looks at the girl, "Nothing." She replies. "All right, I gotta get back to work. See you later, guys." Tory says before rolling away. Samantha and Robby walked away as well, leaving the three alone. "Jesus, and I thought my mom and I had horrible arguments." Oli laughs. "She's...high." Tom chuckles. "Figured."

"Okay, fuck you guys. Now are we gonna roller blade or what?" The two boys laugh before walking over and getting their shoes. "Listen, did uh...did Hawk? Do that to you?" Miguel questions. "What? Oh! It's nothing." Thomas chuckled. "It's something when it involves you." Miguel walked closer to him. "Let's just get our skates, alright?"

Not even seconds later and Miguel had to get smaller ones. "So like, are you guys public?" Olivia asks. "Nope, not gonna be till a while probably."

"That's gay. Haha! Get it?" She laughs, getting up and spinning around. "God, your such a weirdo." Thomas laughs. Pretty soon, the three of them were rolling together and Tom was in the middle so he was holding Miguels hand. "Isn't this fun?" Olivia asks with a big smile. "I hope you fall."

Olivia pushes him, making him fall on Miguel. They all laugh, "I hate you!" He exclaims as Olivia helps him and Miguel up. "Come on, you love me."

went from,
oli and tom.
to miguel, oli,
and tom.

𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍, miguel diaz ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now