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season two

episode nine, pulpo

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episode nine, pulpo.

DANIEL knocks on his sons door, walking in. "Hey bud, just came here to tell you that me and your mom are going out tonight so, if you wanna go to Oli's or something you can just, please please make good choices all right?" He asks. "I know, dad." Tom smiles softly. "Love you." He said before walking out of his room. Thomas sighs, laying his body back. Miguel had invited him to a party but, he knew he couldn't go.

"Tom. Moon invited us to a party, do you wanna come?" Samantha asks him. He sat back up again, nodding before going and texting Miguel he was coming. "Moon invited Olivia too, meet me and Robby in the car." She says before walking out of his room. Thomas had gotten changed real quick and went outside to the car.

These past days were exciting, fun, even happy. Thomas knew easily that he never wanted to lose Miguel, he knew nothing bad was ever going to happen to him or their relationship. Pretty soon, they had gotten to Moon's party.

Olivia was sitting with the Cobra Kai team by Hawk, there she looked up seeing that Daniels team was now staring at them as well. She was staring at Demetri, Olivia didn't know what was going on between them. She didn't know if he still liked her, if he still had those same exact feelings.

She quickly got up, fixing her ponytail before walking towards him. "Can we talk?" The ginger asks him. "Sure! Might have to get a few drinks first." He said. "You don't drink, ass face. Come on." She takes his hand and goes up the stairs towards the bathroom. "What's up?" Asked Demetri casually.

"Don't what's up? me!" She exclaims. He sighs, "I think I know what this is about." Demetri admits. "Finally!" Olivia smiled. "I don't have the limited edition- no! no!"

"Gods sake Demetri, I'm still in love with you!" She looks at the boy. "I know but- I'm in love with you, and you don't even care? I'm not that stupid I can tell th-" Suddenly, Olivia's lips were crashed into Demetri's. Demetri kissed her, he was kissing her.

He let go slowly, "I like the ponytail and rainbow outfit." Demetri smiles. "Fuck you." She laughs with a smile. "Now, I shall...get that...they have good drinks here, right?" The two get out of the bathroom, smiles on their faces.

Meanwhile, Thomas and Miguel were talking outside. Miguel was drinking a beer while Tom was drinking some half and half bullshit. "Are you gonna get wasted?" Miguel asks with a laugh. "I remember the last time you got wasted." Thomas takes a sip of his drink while Miguel literally almost choked on his from hearing that sentence.

"Shit! Now that I think about it, you think my grandma heard us?" He asks. Tom's eyes grew wide, "She's probably proud of you. She probably thought you were doing a girl." He shrugged making Miguel laugh again. "Your sister and Tory are...quiet a nice- shut it, Miguel." Tom chuckled. "You gonna make sure she doesn't get too drunk?"

"Nope, she's old enough by a few minutes. She can handle herself." He shrugged. "Ah, so your the younger twin." Miguel clicks his tongue. "Eat shit." He laughs. "Your the cuter one, though." He smiled which made Tom blush. "Are you blushing?"

"What? No!" He nods, taking another sip of his drink. "Oh my god, yes you are!" Miguel exclaims again. "I hate you so much." Thomas nodded. "You don't hate me."

"Yeah I know." He rolled his eyes playfully. "Your a dork but I love you."

Hold the actual fuck up.

"Did you just say I love you?" Miguel questions. Tom didn't even realize he did, "Oh, yes, yes I did."

"I love you too, then." Miguel smiles, making him blush once again. "Blushing again..." He teases. "It's that stupid smile of yours."

Later on, Samantha was drinking but Thomas didn't care. Late at night there was him and Miguel sitting in the pool with their pants rolled up. "Have you?..." Miguel spoke, touching his arm. "A while ago.." He answers. "Not recently though, everything's old. I'm...I'm doing much better now, trust me."

"I'm glad to hear that, I actually worry about you like...a lot." Miguel admits. "Hey, there's nothing to worry about, alright?" He uses his finger to bring Miguels face closer to him, his fingers on his chin. "Promise?"

"I promise."

With that, the two share a long kiss. What they didn't know was that Samantha saw them through the kitchen window, she got jealous, she felt hurt, she felt so many things. Mostly, confused.

This night was gonna change everything.

-- LIV!
i'm fucken scared
for the chapter
you guys aren't

𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍, miguel diaz ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now