xxvii. NIGHT OUT

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TEAMING up with Johnny wasn't really a good source

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TEAMING up with Johnny wasn't really a good source. Johnny and Daniel were always bickering about what to do, he wanted to do his method and Johnny wanted to do his own which led to them fighting. It was funny to Thomas, he just stood back and watched. Of course what was also struggling was Daniel and his own son.

Sure, the two were similar in personalities but it wasn't easy for them to just click and act like nothing happened. The years of neglection was something that Thomas knew he wouldn't forget, he remembered the way his parents didn't congratulate him on winning a school award but they took Sam out to eat when she won.

But Thomas figured out why, his father easily explained it to him- which made him understand. His father died when he was eight, Daniel was just scared to get closer to him because he felt like if he did he would fuck it all up.

Basically, he was scared.

Obviously Thomas thought it was bullshit but he understood, he was just happy to see him and his own father were actually getting close. "Tom? Earth to Thomas?" Olivia slaps Tom's shoulder, "ouch!" He exclaimed. "Finally I have your attention. Black or white?" "Huh?"

"Just choose, dammit." Olivia rolled her eyes, "black.." He replies, she throws the jacket at him and he caught it. "So, how does it feel to go on your first ever date with Miguel Diaz?" She teases, laying back on his bed. Tom rolled his eyes, "second. First date was at the Roller Rink." He corrected, making Oli scoff.

"I need to ask you a question." Thomas puts the jacket on, "go ahead." He shrugged, looking at himself in the mirror. "How would you feel if I asked to dye your hair?" Tom froze, "are you asking for me to get killed?" She laughed, "dude you would look so hot."

"Nope. Never. What color anyways?" He asked her. "Black." Olivia shrugged, messing with his stuffed animal. "Be careful with that, Miguel gave it to me." Oli dropped it, "calm down, mom. Don't pull out the knife." She sarcastically told him, making Tom give her a look.

"I'm...gonna go now..."

"What are you guys gonna even do?" She asked him, watching as he combed his brown hair. "We're gonna sneak into the beach club and watch the fireworks." He replies with a smirk. "They do fireworks at the beach club? Since when??" "I don't know, it says it's for adult night."

"Ohhh, adult night. You and Miguel gonna have an adult night?" She teases, making kissing noises. Thomas grabs his pillow and threw it at her, both of the best friends bursting into laughter. "Goodbye, dickhead." Olivia waves, "goodbye, ugly."

Thomas walked into the kitchen where Amanda was, Daniel was watching some old talk show. "I'm off to my date." He sighed, "what are you guys gonna do?" His mother asks. "Just...movies." He lies, "alright, have fun just be back before ten, please." Daniel spoke up.

"Alright, love you guys." Thomas smiled softly as he grabbed the car keys, opening the door and walking out. Tom finally got his drivers license, which took him eighty years to get. As he drove, he began to think about how heartbroken Sam must've been.

Robby did turn away, it made Thomas sad too. He remembers when Robby would help him eat, he was like to type of person you could talk to about everything. But why would Robby even join them? Tory was the one who started all this, wasn't it?

Or was it Thomas? If he didn't kiss Miguel that might- maybe none of this would've happened. However, all of that shit was in the past. He just had to live with it now.

Miguel quickly came out of Johnny's apartment after hearing Thomas's honk, he looked absolutely perfect. Thomas stared at him in awe, Miguel got into the car and went in to kiss Tom.

Miguel finally did it, he came out to his yaya and mother. It was hard, but honestly he was just happy to hear they accepted it. "You look really good." Tom compliments, making Miguel roll his eyes with a blush. "I'd say you won this one." He chuckled.

Tom scoffed, driving off towards the beach club. "So, still a surprise, Tommy?" He asked, making his boyfriend nod. "Yep. You're gonna love it, trust me." He smirks. "Just...don't crash the car." Miguel joked. "Eat shit, at least I have my drivers license."

"Ohhh, really?" He gasped dramatically, "mhm. Yes." Thomas nods, making the two laugh. "And...here we are." He spoke up after a few minutes. Miguel looked up, confused on why they were here. "Is this the beach club?"

"You'll see." They get out of the car, sitting down on the grass in front of the lake. "I'm...confused." Miguel says but his boyfriend shushes him. He looked at his watch, "three....two....one."

The two boyfriends look up and see the fireworks bloom in the sky. They consisted of different colors, the two snuggle close- watching the sparks. "Wow, this beats every single date I've been on." He leans his head on Tom's shoulder, "well..you are my first boyfriend, so."

Miguel looks at him, glancing up and down his face. Thomas did the same, the two boys just admiring each feature. "I love you." Miguel grabbed his hand, squeezing it softly. "And I love you too."

Together, as the fireworks bloomed even more, they leaned in for a long and happy kiss. Both of the teens blushed deeply, feeling lust in their bodies. As Miguel pulled away, he looked back at Tom's arm. "What's wrong?" Thomas asked.

He didn't answer, instead he just rolled his sleeve up and looked at his scars. He planted soft kisses on them, making Thomas blush deeply. He scooted closer, looking back up at his boyfriend. "Holy shit I'm in love." Thomas thought.

i missed them so here's chapter
of their second date 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
also idk how beach clubs work so
bare with me pls

--LIV!i missed them so here's chapter of their second date 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️also idk how beach clubs work sobare with me pls

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𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍, miguel diaz ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now