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season two

episode four, moment of truth

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episode four, moment of truth

OLIVIA meets Demetri at his house, wearing her red sunglasses. "Why are you wearing sunglasses inside?" Demetri questions as they were in the kitchen. "I may or may not be high, now what'd you say happened to your nose?" She questions as she pulls out a bag of tortilla chips. "One of your Sensei's broke my nose."

Her mouth drops open as she hears and sees what Kreese did to Demetri when he asked about joining Cobrai Kai. "I told Eli and he didn't seem to care!" He exclaim. "You probably pissed him off." She laughs. "This is funny to you!? He assaulted me! My nose is broken!!" He exclaims. "Your overacting." She rolls her eyes as she munches on the chips.

"Hawk said that to me, I figured at least you'd have some criticism." He looks down. Oli sighed and sat down, "Look, yeah of course I feel sorry for you, it must've hurt. But, there's nothing we can do. I'm sorry Demetri, I shouldn't have laughed. Now, how about we get some ice cream? On me?"

"Are you really hungry?" Demetri stood up with a sigh. "I'm high, the fuck you think?" She giggles which made Demetri smile.

The walk to the ice cream shop was quiet, not in a awkward way-more of a...tight situation way? "I'm sorry but why

Thomas walks into his fathers dojo, seeing Samantha stretching and Robby using the punching bag. "Hey! What are you doing here?" Samantha asks happily. "Hey Thomas." Robby smiles. "Hi guys, moms mad at me so...figured I stay here." Tom shrugged, "Hope that's okay."

"Yeah, of course it's okay. Why's mom mad?" Samantha questions. Thomas looked down, staring at the two. "She uh...she found out some things." Tom answers softly. Sam stood up, Robby looked at him with a sad expression. "What'd she uh...what'd she found out?"

Thomas gulped, "I heard what happened at Valley Fest. I'm sorry." He changes the subject. "It's fine, we weren't surprised anyways." Sam shrugged. "You okay, bud?" Robby asks him. "Uh...yeah! Yeah, I'm fine." He smiled softly. "Where's dad?"

"He's working on one of the cars." Robby answers. Tom goes over and follows where his dad was leaving Robby asking Sam a question. "You believe him?"
Samantha looks down, "He's doing it again...you know?" She trails lines on her thighs, meaning he was cutting again which Robby understood.

He sighs, "He'll get better." Robby nods which she flashes him a small smile. Tom was talking to his dad, "Maybe I can hang out with you guys for the day? I can watch." He recommends. "Sure! That sounds like a plan, I'm glad your here even if you aren't doing karate." Daniel smiles at him.

Suddenly, his phone dings making Tom's anxiety run through. Once Daniel read it, he had such a pale emotionless face. "Hey dad, is the car done?" Samantha a
questions. "Uh..yeah! Yeah, we're gonna go on a ride." He smiles softly, giving Thomas a sad look.

Turns out, Daniel took them to the beach club to meet the mom and brother there. Once they got there, Tom got out of the car quickly and jogged past his parents. "Thomas!" His mother yelled out. "That kid needs to eat. Now." Amanda says angrily. "I know honey. I'm gonna try, it's not easy and you should know. He has this from your side." Daniel sighed.

The time, Daniel was with his friends while Amanda was looking for Thomas who was currently inside the building walking around. He sighed, 'just eat, just eat.' he kept thinking to himself. So, Tom went back outside and saw his mother talking to Robby.

He then saw his sister talking to Aisha and a girl. He walks up to them, "What's uh...what's going on?" Thomas questions. "Your sister here, thinks my friend Tory stole your moms wallet." Aisha spoke. "Which I didn't." Tory rolled her eyes. "Just like you didn't- Thomas!" Amanda exclaims.

"Please...give the wallet back. I need to run, don't kill each other. Bye!" Thomas says before running. He bumps into a pole, making his mother grab him by the shoulder. "Stop. RUNNING!" She exclaims. "Your gonna get a plate of food, and your gonna eat or else I'm taking you somewhere." She threatened.

Suddenly, Daniel and Robby came. "Amanda. Don't be so hard on him.." He tells her. "Thomas, just, just please eat. Alright? Your body needs food, come on I'll make you a plate." Daniel and Robby both take him to the bar, helping him with the food.

They sit down, Robby, Daniel, and Amanda sit with him. "Just take a bite honey." She said as she rubs his back. Thomas moves the food around with a fork, trying to tell himself to eat the food. He didn't know what to do, he didn't know what to do.

He gulps, staring at the plate. He slowly takes a bite of a roll, chewing it slowly. Thomas swallows the food, making his mom and dad smile. "Your gonna eat more, right?" Robby questions. "Can you eat with me?" Tom questions. "Yeah, of course."


AT night, Thomas was currently in his room browsing through social media. His phone dings, once he looked up his mind instantly went confused. Olivia texted him, asking if he wanted to talk. Suddenly, a knock was heard on his window making him jump.

He looks and sees Miguel, Tom quickly shuts his door and locks it. He opens it, "What are you doing here, your gonna wake up my parents." He says. Miguel got in his room, "I'll be quiet, idiot." He chuckles. "Figured maybe I can sleep over? I'll be gone in the morning."

"You sure you won't get caught?" Tom questions. Miguel jumps on his bed, laying down, "Please, never been caught in my life." Thomas laughs as he lays down next to Miguel. "What are you really doing here?"

"I missed you." Miguel shrugs. "Awww, did Miguel miss his bestie." He teases with a pout. "Shut uppp." He groaned making Tom laugh.

The two smile at each other, knowing they were both safe in each other's sight.

-- LIV!
they so cute omg

-- LIV!they so cute omg

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