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season two

episode six, take a right

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episode six, take a right

OLIVIA and Miguel stood in Johnny's office before practice started. "And I like boys and girls, sensei- is that gay?" He interrupted. "No, it means bisexual. Miguel prefers both, Thomas doesn't. Thomas is gay." Olivia explains with her arms crossed. "So...let me get this straight. You banged a Larusso, told him you don't like him which you really did, tried multiple times to get back with him, and now you told him you guys can never date."

Miguel sighs, nodding, "Yeah..basically." He shrugged. "And do you like the Samantha chick?" Oli looks at him, "No...I use too till I got closer to Tom." He answered. "Tory?" Miguel nods.

Johnny stood up and walks towards the teen, "you know I don't like who this is." Miguel nodded sadly, "yeah, sensei, I know, but he-" Johnny cut him off, "let me finish! I'm not your dad, and you don't need my approval but all I have to say is that you're a cobra, and you take what you want. So go get him!" Miguel smiled widely, "Yeah!" Olivia exclaims.

Thomas sighed as he finishes the popsicle, listening to his father talk about him joining Cobra Kai. The dojo was trashed this morning, he could tell that his father was so sad and disappointed. Thomas tried his best to help, he owed Daniel anyways. "Cobra Kai sells power...strength, and when I joined, I was...Well, I was.....I was weak." He explains.

"It was nineteen-eighty five. I had just won my first All Valley. And Mr. Miyagi didn't want me to compete anymore. He never really liked the idea of fighting for trophies in the first place." Daniel looked at them. Suddenly, Tom's phone rang making everyone look at him.

Daniel stops talking, he looks at his phone and gulps with nervousness. "Something wrong, Tom?" He asks. "Uh..n-no..I'll be right back." The teen gets up quickly and leaves the room, answering his phone. "Hello?"

"Thomas! Listen, Johnny's fine, he's not gonna tell anyone." Olivia explained happily. Thomas sighs of relief, "Thank god. Is Miguel okay? Is he mad?" He questions quickly. "Nope! He's not."
"Shit! I have to go, I'll text you later. Love you."

Thomas let's out another sigh of relief, smiling happily. "Why would Miguel be mad?" He hears Sam ask. Tom turns around, the anxiety feeling coming back. "Uh...I said something." He lied. "I can tell your lying." Samantha chuckles. "I just made a joke about Cobra Kai and I thought Miguel was mad at me."

Sam nods, believing him. "Alright. Now, let's go watch Demetri and Chris try to flip the rock." The two chuckle and walk over with Samantha's arm around Thomas.

"Ok, let's both do this falcrum thing." Chris says once the two branches were placed under the rock. "Together, on the count of three." Demetri started. "One."


"Three." The two boys groan as they use all their strength to get the rock back up. "Got it." Demetri groans. Chris quickly moves over and uses his hands to push the rock. Demetri quickly moves as well, the two now pushing the heavy rock up. With loud groans, the rock finally came back up. "Good job, guys." Daniel smiles.

Thomas and everyone else smiled, proud of the two for flipping the rock up. "You see that? We all work together as a team, anything's possible." Daniel smiles softly. "How come you don't do karate, Tom?" Robby questions. "Just not my thing." He shrugged. "It's not too late you know." His dad told him.

Thomas rolled his eyes, leaning his head on his sisters shoulder. "I wish I had a sibling like that. My siblings take my clothes and rip holes in them." Demetri sighs. "Oh, no we do that too." Thomas jokes, making the group laugh.


AT night, Tom was currently laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling and overthinking. Miguel hadn't texted him all day nor answered, he knew what it meant. Miguel was over him and was dating Tory, he was sure of it. "Hey." Samantha says as she knocked on the door. Tom gets up, smiling at her, "Hi."

"Just came in here to say goodnight." Thomas nodded, "Night." He crisscrossed his legs. As Sam was about to leave, he stopped her, calling out her name. "Yeah?"
He chokes on his own words, deciding to actually say the words. Tom knew it was true, he knew everything was true. Sam knew something was wrong from the expression on his face, "Are you okay?" She closes the door, sitting in front of him on his bed.

"I...I need to you something....please, don't tell anyone." Tom begged. Samantha nodded, grabbing his hand and holding it. "I promise." She whispered. Thomas gulps, trying to say the words. "I'm..." Just say it Tom, say it.

"I'm gay."

Sam's expression was shocked, then it was happy, then it was her giving him a big hug. She lets go, "Who else knows?" Sam asked. "Olivia. You promise you won't tell anyone?" He questioned. "I promise. I would never tell anyone else." Thomas smiled at her, "Now, goodnight." She giggled before walking out of his room.

He sighs of relief, the smile on his face not leaving. This was a huge step for him, he was happy, he was so happy. A few minutes later, his phone dings, he checks it and sees Miguel finally answered him. 'Go to your backyard.' He read. Thomas furrows his eyebrows, opening the door and using his phone light to walk through the dark house.

He gets towards his backyard, seeing Miguel standing there with flowers. "Do you need Sam or?..." He laughed. "No actually, I need you." Miguel walks closer to Thomas, his stomach fluttering. "One second. Sensei wrote this for me uh...." He goes through his pockets, making Thomas laugh at him.

"Alright." He takes a deep breath before reading the paper. "I, Miguel Diaz. Take, you, Thomas Larusso to be my....hold up this is for our wedding! Uh....another second." Miguel puts the paper away, looking for the other one. Tom laughs again, "Hey." He brings Miguel close to his face, "I'll go out with you."

Miguel blushed deeply, going in and kissing Tom on the lips. "Now, you wanna stay the night?" He questioned. "Kinda told my mom I was..."

He laughs, the two sneak back into the house and quietly go into his bedroom. Tom locks the door, taking the flowers and putting them on his desk before laying with Miguel under the covers.

This was something unexpected, something amazing, something he wished was never gonna fail.

- LIV!
it's official- miguel and
thomas are dating 🙃😌😘😘😍

- LIV!it's official- miguel and thomas are dating 🙃😌😘😘😍

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