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season four

episode seven and eight part one

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episode seven and eight part one.
minefields and part time part one.

TOM looked up at his boyfriend stretching, Thomas was aching from last night so nope he wasn't doing anything. "Thomas I'm fine, just a bad bad tummy ache." Olivia grumbles, holding her stomach with her free hand as she pulled more of her blankets on her. "Alright. I'll drop off some food and medicine on my way home. Love you, ugly." Thomas laughed. "Love you more."

He hung up, seeing Carmen come out of the hallway with a weird look on her face. "Miggy." She began. "Care to explain why there's lube and condoms out in the open on your desk?" Miguel stops, him and his boyfriend looking at each other in a panic. "Uh..." Miguel tried to think of something.

Thomas snaps his fingers. "We sell it to kids who can't have access." Miguel agreed with him. Carmen didn't believe them, "used lube?"

Silence passed. "We'll talk later." She spoke up. "I'll go home. Thanks for letting me stay the night, Ms Diaz." He smiled softly before giving Miguel a kiss. "See you later." They both smile. Thomas and Carmen then share smiles, leaving the apartment. His anxiety went away, letting out a sigh of relief.

And Tom? He was glad he came home before so he could all the bullshit Anthony was saying to their dad. He lied, saying Kenny was fucking with him. He could easily tell Anthony wanted nothing to do with it as he kept backing down every time Daniel recommended to do something about it.

He waited for Olivia to text him back so he could go over. While killing time he knocked on Anthony's door. "You fucked up, didn't you?" He asks, shutting the door behind him. "Yeah yeah. I don't need to hear your shit." He muttered as he scattered his closet for clothes.

Tom nods, "alright well. You and Kenny? How's it going?" He questions. His little brother did nothing but scoff, "what do you think?" He grabbed some clothes. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go get dressed." Anthony bumps his shoulder and walks out of the room. Thomas looked back at the door, watching him leave. "What the fuck is up everyone's ass today?"

THE next day was a bust. Thomas was getting ready for prom, wearing an all black suit. What worried him most was Olivia hasn't answered him since yesterday. Going to sleep, if I don't respond don't worry weirdo. Love you ;) He read over and over again- hoping the dots would pop up.

He looked at himself in the mirror, looking down. Apparently Mickey was coming back in time for the tournament, just so he can kick Tom's ass.

But he needed to ignore these. This was just a night for him and Miguel, no distractions, no karate talk, no Tory or Kyler, just them. Tom grabbed his jacket and pulled it on himself. He heads downstairs where Miguel, Carmen, Yaya, and Johnny were already there.

Miguel looked at him in awe. "You look..amazing." He compliments which easily made Thomas flustered. "Why thank you. You don't look so bad yourself." He jokes in a sarcastic way. They both laugh, each putting their corsages on each other. "I'm worried about Olivia, she's not answering me.."

Miguel sighs before cupping his cheek after he was done. "Don't worry, okay? She'll probably meet us there, okay?"

Melissa grabs her foot, making Olivia fall to the ground. "You disgusting piece of shit!" She screamed out loud. Oli wanted to give up so badly. Every inch in her stomach hurt, yesterday she couldn't eat or drink anything..

Olivia used her other foot to kick her in the face, backing as far away from her as she could while groaning in pain. Tears began to stream down her cheeks, the anger building inside of her. "God I wish you weren't my daughter! See what the fuck you did?!"

Every time she screamed, Olivia backed away in fear. Mellisa had thrown her phone off the balcony so she couldn't text Tom or anyone. "Please..." She begged with a loud sob. "Please stop!" Olivia yelled, the pain in her stomach getting worse.

It wasn't until she let puked on the carpet, feeling like she was choking and gasping for air. "What are you? Pregnant or some shit? You're such a whore! No wonder that nerd doesn't fucking love you." Oli wasn't even listening, she couldn't even see Mellisa from how blurry she looked.

Melissa turned her back, looking out the balcony. Olivia wanted to push her so fucking bad...

She struggled to get up, the pain making her sobs even worse. Olivia knew this was it, she knew how horrible this could end if she did it..if she ended it all.

So, she grabbed one of the beer bottles. She was tired, she was battling a fucked up battle for way too long. She breaks the bottle in half, shuddering as she felt Mellisa turn around.

She looked back, her and Mellisa staring at each other. "What? Are you gonna stab me? This isn't some ninety's horror movie, you fucking psycho!" She yelled out loud, trying to get the neighbors to hear. Olivia could tell she was scared, this caused her to grip on the broken bottle even more.

Oli sniffles, "mommy.." She began as she limps towards her. "I'm sorry."

olivia what the fuck 😲😲😲

𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍, miguel diaz ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now