xxiii. -OLI

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"HEY, the comeback kid! Welcome back." Demetri spoke as him, Oli, and Gray spot Miguel from their locker. "I hope to make a similar triumphant return to the land of mobile appendage masses." He shows him his cast, trying to make a joke. "Welcome back, ugly." Olivia teases with a smile on her face, "this is Gray by the way." She points towards him, which the two shook hands. "Miguel." He says.

"What's up with the cast?" He asked. "Proximal radius fracture." Demetri answered him. "It smells." Yasmine spoke, looking at them. "Sure it isn't just you?" Olivia shots back, making her glare at the ginger. Gray chuckled, "whatever." She mutters before walking away. "Hey, have any of you guys heard from Tom?" She asked. "Why? What happened?" Miguel asks nervously.

"He just isn't here today and he hasn't been answering my texts." She replies, "he's probably oversleeping. He texted me at like...four the morning." Gray looks at them. "What did he say?" Demetri asked. He gets his phone out, going to Tom's message. "Did you know that you can use a robe as a blanket." He reads, making all of them confused.

"Yeah...he's probably sleeping..."

They all chuckle, expect for Miguel of course. He had a certain feeling, a certain guilt in his gut. The teenager regretted everything he said last night, of course he was scared but he didn't even want to think about being broken up with Thomas. He was the one person who made him happy, the true person who loved him no matter what. "So uh, how'd you break your arm?"

The three of them all pause, looking at him. "We've got a lot to catch up on." Miguel's expression changed, knowing something bad happened. As for Mickey, when Tom punched his face so bad that his knuckles were bleeding, he didn't wanna see his face again. When Gray saw it, he was horrified. He didn't understand why the teenager was still even fighting, hint on why he tried so hard not to hit his face that night.

At lunchtime, Olivia and Demetri walk with their lunch trays while trying to find Gray. He bumped into Kyler softly, causing him to curse under his breath. "Oh, you thought I'd knock down your tray?" Kyler asks. "Come on, you know I'm better than that." He clicks his tounge getting his tray and throwing it in the garbage, one of his friends even did the same to Oli.

They both shot him looks, "hey, what else do you need help with? Want me to sign your cast? Say no more." Kyler sarcastically says, grabbing the sharpie. "Leave him alone." Oli crossed her arms, "oh look, the nerd sticking up for her nerdy boyfriend." One of them tease.

An angry Miguel enters the cafeteria, looking for Hawk. He gets up from his seat, looking at the teen. "I heard what happened with Demetri and what you said about Thomas. How could you do that?"

𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍, miguel diaz ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now