《12 Oh To Be Spider-Man》

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Peter POV:

       As soon as the last bell of the day rang, I leapt out of my seat and ran for my locker. I needed to get out of school before Flash found me. Plus the sooner I did, the longer I got to be Spider-Man. Almost there, almost there...

I practically ran into my locker, but at least I'd made it. I fumbled with the lock for a few seconds, but I got it open and started grabbing everything I needed and shoving it into my backpack. Then I finished and started sprinting towards the closest exit. But then I crashed into someone. It was Flash. He turned around and stared me down.

"Hey Puny Parker!" He said like we were good friends. "We need to have a talk" His voice suddenly getting less friendly and more cruel. He dragged me by my backpack into an empty room and threw me towards the center of the room and my side hit the edge of a desk. I bit my lip.

Then Flash came storming over and raised his fist. I didn't bother dodging, because I never fought back. I let him hit me again, and again. After he was satisfied, he looked at me in the eyes.

"Nice chat." He said, then left the room like nothing happened. I groaned getting up. I'd probably get a few bruises, not nothing major. But they'd be gone by tomorrow anyways, so what did it matter?

A few minutes later I was outside of school, headed to find some place to change. I needed to be back "home" before 5 to help with chores. So I hurriedly took off my clothes and shoved them in my backpack. Slipping on my suit, I slung my backpack over my shoulder. And off I went.

Two hours later, I had stopped a total of 3 robberies, 6 muggings, helped 2 lost kids find their parents, and gave direction to this old lady who bought me a churro. So yeah, a pretty good patrol.

At the moment, I was chilling out on a rooftop in Brooklyn doing my pre-calc homework, when my spidey sense alerted me of someone watching me. No, six people watching me. One from the sky, and the other five lucking behind me in the shadows. I finished up the problem I was working on and shoved it in my backpack. I stood up facing away from the people on the roof behind me.

"You know it's really not nice to stalk someone when they're doing their homework." I say.

"Just come out and take off the mask. We promise we won't attack if you do." Said one of the five behind me, and I recognized their voice. It was the same voice that had called me 'Pete' this morning. Yay. It was the Avengers. Probably Steve, Sam, Bucky, Clint, Wanda and Pietro.

"Yeah, no can do. Sorry to disappoint you." I say. "But if you'll excuse me, I got somewhere to be-" I started to say before something flew at me from behind. It must have been Sam, or the Falcon.

I quickly dodged his attack by flipping over him, and shot a web at his pack. I then pulled it off of him and yeeted it off the roof. I said yeet as I did so.

Next Bucky and Steve came forward, while Clint, Wanda, and Pietro circled around the three of us. Steve launched at me from the front while Bucky attacked from the back. Really? They were making this way too easy. I leapt up in the air, and shot a web canopy (IDK if that's a real thing. Just like a really wide web I guess) around the two men. Soon they were all wrapped up together, faces squished into one another. I heard Clint mumble "ship" off to the side, and chuckled a little bit.

"Anyone order a fossil with a side of assassin?" I asked, while Steve and Bucky pouted being stuck together.

Wanda was the next to attack. She grabbed me with her red magic and froze me in place. I could barely move, but I could still, slowly, shoot my webs. So that's what I did, making Clint crash into Wanda, who lost focus and dropped me.

I attempted to web-sling away, but Pietro lept into action, creating a whirlwind around me. Plan, I need a plan! Come on Peter think! How do I get out of here?! I looked up, where I could see a water tower. If I could shoot a web up there and pull myself out, then attempt to web up Quicksilver...

I tried my plan, and surprisingly it worked. Pietro was still running, but then he seemed to realize that I wasn't there anymore and stopped and looked for where I was.

Still perched on the water tower, I looked down at all of them. Steeb (typo and it aint changing) and Bucky were still tied up, Sam was hanging off the side of the roof, looking down where his wingsuit was probably crashed. Wanda and Clint were a tangled mess of limbs, and Pietro was trying to free them. I webbed Pietro's hands to Wanda's arm, just to be safe.

"Well, as fun as this was- which it wasn't, I gotta go." I said, and was about to leave when Wanda spoke up.

"Why do you fight so hard to keep your identity secret?" She asked, and I paused.

"I-I mean," I started to say. "If people knew who I was, they could use my friends and family against me. A-And I don't want to put anyone in danger. And I'm not risking that information with anyone, including S.H.I.E.L.D." I said. "So, that's why-" I started before something sprouted from my gut. An arrow. I looked down at Clint and saw a bow in his hands. Dang it.

I quickly pulled it out, looking at it. It was a tranq arrow. Great. I needed to get out of here. I shot a web and swung away, but my movements were sluggish. I just hoped that they didn't follow me. If they did, I'd be screwed.



Clint shot him-

Also what ships do you guys want in this story


Hawksliver? (I kinda want Clint to have kids tho, so idk)

and uh, yeah no Spideypool in this.

I don't hate it, it justdoesn'tt fit the plot

-Hershey Kiss Killer

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