《41.2 Falling》

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A/N: Because I just posted 41.1, this chapter isn't that long but it sure is... something. There is also a song for this chapter, but because I've found that not everyone can see the video links, I'm just gonna put the name of it. Oh, and also only start playing the song when it switches to Peter's POV.

Le song: 'Lost in the Moment' by NF (feat. Andrew Moss)

Oh and two more things: this song slowverbed on yt sounds so good. And does it give anyone else 'From Now On' vibes or is it just me?

Hybrid/Host POV:

After snatching up that 'Eddie' character we drop to the ground and start running back to the jet.

       "Lasher, go destroy the plane-" I start to say.

'But you said that I WOULD GET TO!' Scream whines and I grunt.

"You cleaned up the mess last time, and now it's Lasher's turn." I tell her, and I grunt in frustration, clutching the uncious man in my grip a little tighter.

'Alright, but you own me..." Scream finishes and I roll my eyes... somehow.

'Are we almost back yet?' Riot complains.

"You know that we aren't." I tell him, and he scoffs. After about 10 minutes Lasher joins back with us.

"So?" I ask.

'It went... well...' He starts to say as the small jet nears. Within seconds we were closing the distance between us and the vehicle. With a last leap, we make it inside the jet as it starts to take off. It's quiet for a few seconds, before everyone starts to disassemble. Only on some missions we merge, but we all have our own hosts.

       No one POV:

       Detaching from one another, all the symbiotes branch off towards their designated hosts. Lasher, the green one, headed off towards his host Larry. Agony, the purple one, latched into her host Leslie's arm and absorbed into her. Phage, the yellow one, moves towards Calvin, his host. And lastly, Riot. His original host was... blown up to say nicely. So his new host, Barron, waits until Riot's an arms distance away from him, before extending a hand out towards the grey symbiote. Riot happily latches onto the man's limb. The only one left is Klara, the host for Hybrid, who's now standing symbiote-less in the middle of the small plane. Though it's come to the point where she's been a host for so many different symbiotes, she is... no longer fully human one might say. Her eyes have started to turn white, her teeth a bit pointer, and her voice has gotten more gravely. But other than that, she still looks more or less human.

       An agent then grabs the unconscious man, Eddie Brock, from where he lays slumped in a pile on the floor, and drags him off to a little holding cell. It's quiet for a few minutes as the jet zooms far away from the plane crash, before Terry breaks it.

       "Umm guys...?" He asks and everyone looks at him. Everyone being Leslie, Calvin, Barron, and Klara. Plus a few other agents in the classic Hydra armour getup.

"Yeah," Barron asks as the leader on this mission, diverting his attention to look out the window.

"Well it's just that... Lash thinks that he saw something as he was destroying the plane." He says cautiously and Barron slowly looks back at him.

"What do you mean by 'something'?" He asks carefully, and Terry gulps.

"W-Well he thinks he saw something black. He thought it might have been the symbiote b-but he's not sure." Terrys voice gets quieter as he keeps speaking, until he's speaking in only a whisper. It's quiet for a few moments before Barron walks away towards the holding cells.

"If Venom isn't here, we'll torture Brock until we get the information we need to track down Venom. And after..." He stops, facing away from the group. "You know what to do." He says and continues walking towards the cells. Let's all hope for Eddies sake that he has Venom, and hope the torture isn't as bad as it's probably going to end up.

       Peter POV:

        As soon as that- that thing ripped open the plane and snatched Eddie, I unbuckled my seat straps and jumped up. W-Where did they g-go? I stagger towards the hole in the plane, keeping a bit of distance because I might get sucked out. I'm about to jump out of the plane and go after them but two things stop me. The first being I don't have my suit or web shooters. And the second being Anne and Mr. Stark. I look and seen that Anne has tears in her eyes that she's not letting fall. I then look to my left and Mr. Stark is out cold with a nasty gash across his forehead. My fight-or-Flight instincts take over and I rush towards Mr. Stark and drag his limp form over towards Anne. She undoes her straps, and nods her head at me. She already knows what I'm going to say.

       Getting out of her seat, she stagers over to help me with my unconscious mentor. She takes one of his arms and slinging it over her shoulder. I then do the same with his other arm, and carefully, we make our way over towards the front of the plane... where the door is. Then, suddenly everything starts shaking. I can hear the sound of things getting ripped off of- of everything. Something, or someone, is tearing the plane apart. Bit by bit.

       All of a sudden the door in front of us is ripped from its hinges, showing just how fast we were falling towards the ground. The wind coming from the hole in front of us whips my hair in all different directions. I hear Anne choke back a sob, and I look at her. She looks at me, and I hold her gaze. Her lower lip is trembling and I try to fill my eyes with as much confidence as I can muster... at least more than I'm feeling at the moment. Slowly, I nod my head and she stiffens before nodding back. Then I mouth three simple words.

       'One, two... three.' We jump.

       Theres a few seconds of those heart-stopping moments. When your weightless, and everything seems to slow down. But then the breath comes back into your lungs and you remember that you're free-falling to your death. Reaching out for Annes free arm, her frantic eyes seem to look everywhere before landing on my face. I try to keep my features as calm as I can, for her sake. She gulps and out-stretches her shaking hand towards me. I grasp it firmly and use my grip on her to pull myself closer towards her. Because our arms are already around Mr. Stark, we hold hands around him, enclosing him into our little circle. As I move closer towards Anne, making the circle tighter, she closes her eyes. Silent tears escape her eyes and I can feel her whole body shaking. Will this be the end? The end of Peter Parker? Of Tony Stark and Anne Brock-Weying? Then something starts falling towards us. It kind of looks like one of the jets from the plane... and there's no way to move out of its way without detaching from one another. But then something... weird happens. Just as we're about to die- something big and black rises up from behind me and blocks the debris. It sort of looks like a giant black umbrella. I quickly whip my head around but there's nothing ther-

       My breath catches in my throat when I see where this black thing is coming from... I-It's me. Some sort of black strain is coming out of my shoulder and it's creating this black canopy that's protecting us. Then things get even stranger, which somehow they can.

       The black part on my shoulder gets bigger, spreading out across my body until it reaches my face. But instead of suffocating me, obscuring my vision like I thought it would, it becomes some sort of a mask? Kind of like my Spider-Man mask actually. But then, I look back down towards the ground, and stifle a scream. We're losing height, fast.

       I got us, I suddenly hear in my mind, and then the black form takes over Anne and Mr. Stark. I squeeze my eyes shut and prepare for a hard impact. My heart is racing violently, and it feels like it's gonna jump out of my chest. Fear finally takes over my body, crawling up my throat, seizing me. I can't move, and nor do I want to. The only people I really care about are with me right now... well most of them. But if I'm going to die, I'm glad it's with-



hOpE tO uPdAtE sOoN!!

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