《15 How To Scare "Adult" Men 101》

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Loki POV:

As I walked into the main living area of the tower, I saw Stark passing the room, repeatedly mumbling something to himself. I knew that midguardings did this when they were nervous, but I don't think I should bother him. So I simply just walked in and sat down, materalizening one of my books. He didn't seem to notice my presents, and that was alright with me.

After a few minutes. He turned in my direction, and yelped like a little girl.

"When did you get here Reindeer Games?!" He spluttered, and I just gave him a disappointed look.

"Oh I walked in around five minuets ago, and didn't think to interrupt your passing." I said, and looked back down at my book. Humans could be so oblivious sometimes.

"Uh..." Stark spluttered for a moment. "Get out!" He said, pointing a finger. I obligated, having no reason to stay. Though at the last second, the mechanical voice of Friday rang throughout the room, informing Stark that someone called Peter was in his lab. He just waved his hand andI may or may not have read his mind. Who was this... Spider Ling?

Peter POV:

I slowly opened my eyes, and looked around. I was still in the Med Bay. Ok then... Now what? I felt much better than the last time I was awake, even though I barely remember that. Now... where was my backpack...

My eyes scanned the room until I found it. Slowly, as to not cause my wound to start bleeding again, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, and stood up. Venturing to the other side of the room, I grabbed my backpack, and swung it over my shoulder. I need to find Mr. Stark. I could ask Friday, but he's probably in his lab. And plus, he owes me a trip down there anyways. So I opened the door to the med bay, and walked down the short hallway to where the elevator was located at the end. I got in and pressed the button labeled My Lab Do Not Touch.

A few moments later the elevator dinged and Peter stepped out into what must have been the coolest place he'd ever seen. All sorts of equipment were all over the place, and bits and pieces of projects were strewn about. Random tools covered the multiple tables around the room.

He looked down at his bag, and realized that he needed to fix the hole in his suit. He hoped Mr. Stark had the right materials.

}-This is Ronald, Daves stepdad =]-~-[= he's a crabby pOtatO and is here to give you people a time skip-{

After about 40 minutes, Peter had patched the hole in his suit, upgraded his web shooters to shoot further, and made special earbuds (air pods) that can help with sensory overloads. With the perk of becoming Invisible with cloaking tech. Oh, and Karen, his suits AI that he built himself, was installed in them. Since he had mastered them on the first try, he made another identical pair just in case something happened to the first one.

Now he was bored again, and looked around. Then he remembered where he was, and that he had been looking for Mr. Stark. Right. He needs to get back on doing that.

(A/N: Ok, so I randomly switch from first person and third person. IDK why... just letting you know \'~'/ )

I spotted what looked like a back door in a corner of the room, and started making my way over there. I opened it, and found that it led to a stairway. I went up until it said Penthouse Level. Isn't that where "my" bedroom and common area are located?

I went out on that floor, and started walking through the halls until I was hopelessly lost in the maze that is this building. Ugg... FRIDAY! She can help me find Mr. Stark. And my room. What?! I'm still tired!

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