《49 Lawrence the Janitor》

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       No one POV:

"Entry Log, day 26..." The screen flickers to black for a moment, before showing someone taking their hands away from the camera, seeming as though they were setting it up. The figure then leans back in their chair, in a dark room. A pair of black sunglasses visible on their face, and a drum stick being twirled in their hand.
"Yes, 26, it's been 26 days since it started, and I don't know how much longer I'll survive this-this madness. At first it was all good. They had been living mainly in one room, but then it turned into two, and their little pet has everyone under it's evil little spell. It's become the 'cute and adorable' one, and gets away with everything! Breaks a plate? Whoopie! But when I, accidentally, break a plate, it's 'off to your room with you' and 'are you gonna pay for that?' No. I'm not gonna pay for that! It was an accident Tony! And two years ago!

"Sorry..." The person coughs to clear their throat. "I'm getting off track. Where was I?" They spin their dum stick and throw it, catching it with their other hand. "Oh right..." They lean in closer towards the camera. "I have no idea how much longer I'll be able to survive." There's a dramatic pause, before they speak again. "I mean, I was barely able to smuggle as much bird food in here as I did... but I'm almost out. What with that being over a week ago and all, plus me being a stress-eater." He takes a deep breath. "And my stomach's been empty since last night as I had to skip dinner to re-fortify my fort since the smaller bean tried to get in. He claims he was just trying to give me a cookie or something, but I won't let him deceive me. And now, I'm more hungry than I've been in days-"

The lights flick on. "Then come eat." A different voice says.

"NAT!" The person whines, dragging out the name. "You ruined my mojo!" The person, now identified as Clint Barton, exclaims taking off his sunglasses.

"Did you just use the word 'mojo'?" She raises an eyebrow and Clint sighs. "Come eat before Peter takes your plate." She says and Clint grumbles to himself and turns off the camera.

Peter POV:

As I'm finishing up my eggs and toast, Clint walks in with Natasha behind him. He takes a seat next to me, snatching his plate away from me. I give him a confused look, before Natasha comes over and smacks the back of his head.

"Ow!" He complains, before starting to eat. Then I get up to get my stuff ready for school. Aka, find my backpack because yesterday I put it down somewhere and now I can't find it.

"Hey has anyone seen my backpack?" I yell from looking behind the couch.

"No!" (That was Mr. Stark.)

"Nope!" (Wanda.)

"WHAT?! (Clint.)


"WHO'S BACKPACK?!" (Clint, again.)



"WHAT?!" (Clint again again.)

"GUYS"! I finally chime in. "There's nothing wrong with my back! I'm just trying to find my backpack!"

"Oh," Anne then walks into the living room. "Well why didn't you just say? It's by the front door." She tells me and I stand up.

"Thank you, for actually giving me a decent answer!" I tell her, before grabbing it and running back into my room. Mr. Stark had insisted that I stay out of a school for a week or two after everything that's happened. So I needed to get all caught up on homework. And last night I finished everything I missed.

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