《7 - Fury Gets Furious》

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This chapter shows a bad side of Fury... 

ok! Thats it! 😊

Tony POV:

       When we arrived at S.H.I.E.L.D, I got out of the car with Peter. I was still a little bit shaken up about him being Spider-Man, but neither of us said anything as we made our way towards the entrance of the organization.

But what he'd said in the car, about me being a genius but also being a billionaire... There's probably some really smart people out there, but they might not have enough money to support all their ideas. Peter had given me an idea for a future project, I just didn't know it yet.

When I realized we'd both been quiet since the car, I looked over at him. He seemed content on not talking, and he clearly didn't want to be here. And from what I could gather, he thought it was S.H.I.E.L.D.'s fault his aunt and uncle had died that night. Then we entered the facility.

As soon as we stepped inside, we were met with Agent Hill.

"Tony, hey." She said, "Yeah, Fury wants to see you in his office." She eyed Peter suspiciously before walking away. Peter still said nothing, as though hoping if he stayed really quiet no one would notice him. And so he soundlessly followed me through a twist of hallways. When we arrived at Furys office, I knocked twice on the door.

"Come in," Said the unmistakable voice of Nick Fury. And so we did. I pushed the door open and Peter followed me in. Fury had his back to us, and Peter seemed to flinch a little like it brought back a bad memory of something.

"Look, I can explain... about all of this-" I started to say.

"No need." Fury interrupted. "You were obviously there to check in on him after he got out of the hospital." I gulped, glad he still couldn't see me.

"Y-yes sir, that's why I was there. I still felt bad about dropping the billboard on Peter, and I just wanted to make sure he was doing ok after he got out of recovery." I lied. Well, technically it wasn't lying because it was Peter's secret that I'd discovered. So he has authority on who tells it.

"Good, just checking in." Fury said, and he turned around. But as he did so, Peter stumbled back and hit the door. He must have seen Fury before to be this scared of him... but when and why?

"Y-you were there w-with Uncle Ben," Peter said shakily. "In the hospital... you hurt him." Peter concluded, and I knew what was gonna happen next because you don't ever excuse Fury of something like that.

"Excuse me?" Fury half yelled. "I did not hurt him. I was there to make sure my agent was ok! If you want to know who sent your uncle to the hospital that night, why don't you ask Mae." Fury bellowed, and by now Peter was on the brink of tears again. "Oh yeah, that's right. You can't. She's dead." Fury said briskly, and Peter squeezed his eyes shut as a single tear rolled down his cheek. For some reason it hurt me to see Peter like this, and I wanted to comfort him. But that might just make things even worse.

"Alright, I think we're done here." Fury said in a calm low tone. "And Stark?" He said as I was about to leave. "Check back in with me on our little spider problem." I gave Fury a quick nod and walked Peter out the door. He kept his head down, though I could most definitely tell he was crying. Every few seconds I'd hear him inhale sharply, and he never took his gaze off his feet. I felt like asking him if he was ok, even though I knew that he wasn't.

Peter POV:

I kept my gaze on my feet, not wanting to look like a mess in front of Tony Stark. Though I suspected he knew I was crying, That wasn't the thought that circulated through my brain though. It was what Mr. Fury had said... about what he had meant.

He'd called Uncle Ben an agent, and said that Mae had been the cause of him going to the hospital. Did he mean that Uncle Ben worked for S.H.I.E.L.D? And that Mae... she... no. It was too painful to think about.

Suddenly I got a tingly feeling to my right and I looked up. But it was just a man who was probably another S.H.I.E.L.D agent. But something was off. I watched as he opened one of the lockers that lined the walls. They were full of gear and weapons and stuff like that, nothing out of the ordinary. But what confused me was when he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out some sort of spear thing with a bunch of wires attached. Then my eyes widened in realization. It was a bomb.

The man placed the bomb in the locker and pressed a button, probably a timer, then half closed the door. He started walking towards the entrance, and I turned to look at Mr. Stark. When he saw me look up from the floor, he put a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey," he said in a calm voice. "Fury can be a little-"

"Bomb." I said cutting him off.

"What?" Mr. Stark asked.

"A bomb. That man," I pointed to that guy who had placed the bomb; he was almost at the exit now. "He put a bomb in that locker." I said, pointing to the locker with the open door.

"Wait- what? How do you know?" Mr. Stark asked confused.

"Cause I saw him do it." I said blankly. "Oh, and also I'd advise running and ducking as soon as possible."

"Wait, Kid-" Mr. Stark started, but then removed his gaze from me. He looked around at everyone in the area. "BOMB!" He yelled. "BOMB IN THE LOCKER!" He shouted again and pointed at the locker with open door. People started sprinting out of the building in chaos. Me and Mr. Stark joined the crowd, but then there was a loud BOOM! And I'm pretty sure it shook the whole building.

We were almost to the exit, but then I felt a searing pain in my left leg, the same leg that I'd fractured this morning. I cried out and fell to my knees. Looking back at my lower calf, I saw that a piece of a locker door had impaled itself my leg. I struggled to rise to my feet, but as soon as I did, my vision blurred and I fell back to the ground. I looked up for Mr. Stark to make sure he'd gotten to safety, but I didn't see him. No, he wasn't my problem. I had to focus on getting out of the building that was now going up in smoke. Smoke... I remember something about smoke, and how you shouldn't breath it in... wait... should you breath it in? I began to feel light headed. 

I tried to drag my half limp body away from the fire that was starting to take over the room, but I knew I wasn't going to make it. Then there was a blast of hot wind from behind me and it forced me flat on my stomach. Black spots started to dance in my eyes, and just as I thought I was a goner, something picked me up from behind. I barely got a good look at what had grabbed me, before I passed out. 



I'm sorry? 

Well... Kinda...

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