《42 Spidey Son... This is What Happened Next》

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A/N: For the picture, pretend that Tony and Peter both aren't in their suits and that Peter is crying his eyes out. Oh and if you understood my reference with the title you are a person with c l a s s

Peter POV:

Slowly, I open my eyes. Everything's dark, but I can faintly make out the sound of someone breathing hard. At first I think it's me, but when I hear their heartbeat increasing way faster than mine, I try to look around for them, because it could be Anne or Mr. Stark... But emphasis on the 'try'. I still only see black, but then I see light. It's not much, just a little dot, but as I reach my hand out towards it, I can feel a cool breeze coming from it. It's then that I realize that it is hot wherever I am. Like... increasingly hot. And an... increasing weight on my chest?

Desperately I claw at the hole, trying to get out before I burn alive or my lungs collapse, but it's no use. Suddenly, some of that strange black stuff appears from behind me again, and slips out the little hole. Then, it... widens? I opens up the hole, I now realize that I am under a giant pile of debris. Slowly, the black blob gets bigger and parts of this pile fall to either sides of it, but not on top of me? Looking up I see a patch of this black stuff covering me. Just then a giant piece of metal falls away revealing a decent-sized hole for me to squeeze through. And I do just that. Oh... my... god.

Coming out the other side, I'm in the middle of what looks like a... a scrap yard. Pieces of the jet are scattered everywhere, and a horrid smell is arising from the hot metal practically roasting in the sun. Suddenly I hear a gut-wrenching scream somewhere off to my right. I whip my head around and start running towards the sound, being careful to dodge the burning scraps of metal from the plane. My spidey sense helps with those. Then all of a sudden I hear that same heart beat, racing only slightly faster than before. It gets louder as I get closer until it feels like I'm right next to whoever it is. I look around desperately, trying to find the person, but I can't spot anyone.

"Anne... Mr. Stark..." I call out in a raspy voice. My throat feels all dry and scratchy. I try to clear it, but it doesn't do anything. I wince and cup my hands to my mouth. "Anne! Mr. Stark!" I call out again, and my throat starts to hurt more than it did a second ago, but I push the pain to the back of my mind while I look for my- My family.

"ANNE!" I yell louder and my throat is practically screaming at me to stop, but I don't. "MR. ST-"

"H-Here... I-I-I'm und-under... he... her-here..." I barely hear it, someone whispering for help. But I did. Frantically, I look around, my heart rate picking up fast. Anne. Where is she where is she where is she-

"ANNE!?" I call out again and this time I hear a small whimper in response.

"P-Peter?" I hear and whip my head around and my eyes lock on a heap of metal and other... plane stuff. "Pe-Peter!" I then hear, a little louder now. "He-Help-p m... m-me..." She calls out again and as I'm running through the piles of junk towards Anne, who's trapped under burning metal, I start to feel... heavier? Well my footsteps sounded heavier at least and I... I'm taller? Ok something isn't adding up.

When I get over to the pile Anne is trapped underneath, I grab the top piece w-with... THAT'S NOT MY HAND. OH MY GOD W-WHAT IS HAPPENING WHY IS MY HAND COVERED IN THAT STRANGE BLACK GOOEY STUFF?! Looking down... my whole body is covered in that black stuff but... it doesn't feel bad. More like... powerful? And my spidey sense isn't going off so i guess it's... good?

Suddenly my hands reach down and grab one of the giant chunks of metal covering Anne. Though my hands are bigger than they should be, more like largeish black claws if you ask me. But I'm able to pick up the metal with no problem, and chuck it aside like it was nothing. It didn't burn me in the process which I would count as a plus. Then I pick up speed, moving quicker to uncover Anne before sh-she dies. Tossing another few pieces off to the side, I finally see her limp form lying on her stomach. She has an awful cut across her cheek, and she squeezes her eyes shut when the light hits her, her eyes still used to the darkness. I pull her out of the pile and collapse in a retivally debris-clear area. I expected her to calm down a little bit, but her heart rate wasn't dropping. She's still worked up about something-

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