《18.2 Adoption Day》

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A/N: drum roll please!  🥁🥁🥁  Here's the next chapter!! And when I said I have a lot of venom fan art, I meant it. The pic above is one of my favorites! 🥰

Eddie POV:

       As we walked in, I took note of how dark the interior was. I almost had a panic attack being back here, remembering my childhood. But Anne took my hand and whispered,

       "It's ok, you're here with me. Not back there."

It helped settle my nerves a little bit, and I took a deep breath. We took a few steps further into the building, and a tall skinny woman with grey hair came up to greet us. She had on a fake smile like she'd had to wear one her whole life, but not how to pull it off. She walked up to us and stuck out her hand.

       "Hi, I'm Amy Miller. Ms. Miller to the kids. Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Brock!" She said the word 'kids' like it was a disease. I shook her hand. It was cold, and she had a firm grip. Something I was all too familiar with. Amy reached for Anne's hand, and they shook.

       "Hi, yes. I'm Anne," Anne said, introducing herself. "And this is my husband Eddie."

"Nice to meet you both." She said dryly. "Why don't you go talk to some of the kids?" She said pointing into another room, and then disappeared to who knows where.

[Time skip to after Eddie and Anne have talked with almost everyone! Daves rooting for Peter *\ ^ c ^ /*  ]

So far, out of all the kids we've met, two stand out the most. A redheaded boy named Franky Willams, and an 11 year old girl named Eliza Stuart. We had met with almost everyone by the time Amy came back. The last person was an older boy, sitting in the corner reading a book. As we got closer to him, the book he was reading looked a little advanced for him. How to Deal With Gamma Radiation? It seemed a bit too old for a kid that young, but not that I'm judging. Though he was burning through it like it was nothing. When we were right up in front of him, he didn't seem to notice us. So I cleared my throat and the boy looked up.

       "Oh um... I'm s-sorry... I was reading, and I didn't notice... uhm... hi?" The boy gave an awkward wave, lowering his book to his lap.

"Hi, I'm Anne, and this is Eddie." Anne said. "What's your name?" She asked.

"I'm Peter..." The kid said. "Parker." He added in.

"Why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself Peter?" I asked.

"Ok," Peter said, and sat up straighter. "Well I go to Midtown High-" He started and I interjected.

"Oh, you must be pretty smart to get into that school then." I commented, and thought about how our apartment wasn't that far from the school. "How old are you?"

"I'm 14." He said.

"How long have you been here?" Anne asked, a little bit of concern lacing her voice.

"Um... so I got here when I was 7... so about 7 years?" Peter answered, and I couldn't help but feel an understanding with him. Maybe we could save him from this place. Amy clearly looked like Mrs. Hanagan. (That's the old lady who owned Eddie's orphanage.)

       "What's your favorite subject in school?" I asked, trying to change the subject. I could tell Anne was a bit worried about what Peter had just said.

"I really like Chemistry... and I'm on my school's decathlon team-" He was interrupted by a sharp voice yelling from across the room. It was Ms. Miller.

       "WHAT ARE YOU DOING PETER!?" She bellowed. "Don't have such a lovely couple waste their time on a pathetic rat like you!" As soon as I heard those words leave her mouth, I turned around.

"DON'T TALK TO PETER LIKE THAT!" I snapped back, and I could have sworn I saw Peter flinch little and cover his ears. "He's a smart kid and deserves better than this dump he lives in! They all do!" I yelled, and Ms. Miller looked like she wanted to shut me up, but also like she was a little afraid of me. I looked back at Peter, and then looked up at Anne, who looked about ready to punch Amy in the face. "You know what?" I said looking back at Ms. Miller. "Were gonna take Peter!" I announced, then looked back at Anne for approval that I'd made the right decision. And the look in her eyes was all I needed to know. Taking her hand, I brought my gaze back to the loathing Ms. Miller.

"Where do I sign?"

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