《43 Chocolate Always Wins》

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yES, this is an update. and it's a roller coaster so buckle up 😏

 Peter POV:

As soon as the Helicarrier landed, like 30 agents came flying out towards us... with freaking jetpacks. But the three of us just stood there the whole time, watching as they made their way towards us. As we watched them get closer, I realized that some of them were carrying stretchers; three stretchers to be precise.

I wanted to move, to run away, but it was like my legs were glued in place. This was S.H.I.E.L.D. running towards me, and I couldn't move. The last time I was in one of their buildings I ended up with a freaking piece of metal impaled in my leg. Who knows what's going to happen to me now...

Tony POV:

As S.H.I.E.L.D.'s agents come running towards us, I feel Peter's arm around me tighten. I look over at him and watch as silent tears trek down his cheeks and his lower lip starts to tremble. It's then that I remember what happened last time he was with S.H.I.E.L.D., and how when I confronted him as Spider-man that one time, he got all spooked when I mentioned S.H.I.E.L.D.

Just then the agents reached us and none of us protested as they lifted us into the stretchers they'd brought and carried us away. Which was all fine with me, but is no one going to wonder why they have jet packs? ...Are they mine?!

Ignoring that thought, I looked over at Peter. My eyes didn't leave him the whole time, along with the overwhelming amount of thoughts rushing through my head. Would he be okay without me? In a S.H.I.E.L.D.-run vehicle? Is he even going to be okay? I mean the blood from his stomach wound has more then stained my shirt by now... And not to mention the fact that Anne had said that Peter had lots of smaller cuts too. Were they from the glass from the plane?! WAS PETER GOING TO NEED SERIOUS OPERATIONS?! How long would the surgeries last?!

And on another note, I swear I was dead at some point. I mean I felt all cold and numb... So is that what being dead feels like? But... not really? Because I mean I came back, so... what does that even mean?! WAIT- am I dead and living out the rest of my life up above or something? Or did I really come back to life!?

After a minute or two of debating numberou things with myself, I've come to two conclusions: No, I'm not dead. And No, Peter will probably not be okay. As soon as the agents set us down in the loading dock, I leapt up off my stretcher and ran towards Peter's. He looked up at me with tears in his puffy eyes and I took his hand. I could practically feel his heart hammering around inside his chest, pounding so hard I thought it was going to break free.

"M-Mr. Sta-Stark..." Peter croaks out in a hoarse voice. "P-Please do-don't leave m-me..." He gulps. "D-Don't let them t-take m-me-" He starts to say before two agents grab my shoulders and pull me back to my own stretcher. Firm hands keep me in place, and I watch Peter's hand that I had been holding a few seconds ago, weekly reach out for me, wondering where I'd gone. I can see a frightful look in his eyes, and all I want to do is hold him close and never let go.

...Peter... I suddenly hear and I can't tell if it's my own voice in my head or not. But then, all of a sudden, something black extends from my hand and grabs Peter's cot. It drags it over towards me and I don't question what happened and just bend over to hug Peter's weak form. I barely notice as the black thing absorbs into Peter. After a few moments Peter, who had been clutching onto my shirt weakly, tightens his grip. It's as if he's gotten a boost of strength. We pull apart, my hands still on Peter's arms, and I look him over.

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