《46 Ven and the Spider》

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       Anne POV:

       So apparently, while Peter was asleep, Loki - yes, the god Loki, - tried to read his mind and it sent Peter's brain spiraling. And Loki couldn't pull his magic back until Peter calmed down. Then they both, well, I actually have no idea. That's all I've heard from Tony, because I had been down in his lab with Bruce at the time. We'd been trying non-stop to find Eddie, but after Tony left, Bruce soon did too. And I was left alone in the lab, still trying to figure all this out. To no avail

       All we know was that he was taken from the plane by something, and that's it. No idea where he is, if he's hurt, or even who took him or why. I just hope he's... I hope he's okay wherever he is. If something life-threatening happens to him-

       Anne, you are rambling again. Ven tells me, and I take a deep breath.

"R-Right, I know but I just-" I start to say but Ven cuts me off again.

Miss him? I miss him too, but we will get him back. He reassures me.

"Yes, we will." I say. "So, got any ideas?" I ask him, and rub my palms in circles.

Um, think, is there anything that you could use to find him? Maybe something you gave him or-

"OH MY GOD V YOU'RE A GENIUS!" I exclaim and wheel as fast as I can to the elevator. After spam-pressing the button that will bring me to the main Avengers floor, the doors finally close. A long 15 seconds later the doors finally open and I scan over the scene in front of me.

       Tony and Peter are watching Star Wars in the living room, and Thor is in the kitchen with Loki, trying to cheer him up with food, which consists of popcorn, chicken nuggets, and pop tarts. I wheel myself over to Tony and Peter.

       "Guys I, um... I think I found something." I say calmly, despite how chaotic I just was. "But I hope I'm not... interrupting anything." I say and Tony pauses the movie.

"You mean you found a lead on Eddie?" He asks and Peter stands up immediately, despite his injuries.

"Yo-You know where he might be?" He asks me, and I nod.

"Yes, but I need help." I say and Peter walks behind me, grabbing onto the handles of my wheelchair.

"Help with something in the lab?" He asks again and I nod. Then the next thing I know Peter is running really fast, and we're suddenly in the elevators, going down to the lab.

"We might find Eddie!" He bounces up and down.

[Time skippp from me who watched the Eternals yesterday and Druig is mine fight me.]

       "Oh god," Peter breathes. "I'm... done." He says and runs a hand through his hair. I wheel over towards him, and the laptop and computer monitor he had been working at.

"So, now what?" I ask and my son looks at me.

"All I have to do is press this button," he points to a key on the keyboard. "And I;ll be able to track his location from the past few hours." He finishes and I gulp. "But keep in mind, because the trackers in your webbing bands aren't high tech, if he's been taken to some place with advanced technical anything, the signal will most likely show the last place he was before the trackers signal was scrambled." Peter tells me and I nod.

"Makes sense," I say and just before Peter presses the button, I stop him. "WAIT- shouldn't the whole team be here for this?" I say and Peter stands up.

"Yeah, definitely. So that way they can all go out once we get the signal from the tracker. And I'll-" Peter stops himself, and then stays silent. I was about to ask what was wrong, when he unplugs his computer from the monitor and grabs his laptop. "Meet me in room 374. It's one floor down from here, and on your left when you get out of the elevators." Peter says and makes a mad dash for the elevators. "Fri call a meeting, code AVM-313." He says, and then the elevator doors close.

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