《21 Venom No》

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       Eddie POV:

(Anything in italicas is Venom)

As I watched Anne make Peter some dinner, I went into my bedroom to talk to Venom. Set some ground rules. Closing the door, I walked over to the window.

"Hey Venom,"

Eddie... Who is that fine young specimen you have brought home with you?

"His name is Peter, and me and Anne adopted him."

Peter? Is he food?"

"NO! No he is not food! He's uh... our kid?"

Kid? So we do not eat him? Because that would be bad. He is too cute.

"I- ok then. Yes we do not eat him."

Great... now... do we tell him about us?

"Uh, me and Anne don't think it's best to tell him about us at the moment. But maybe over time... yeah."

Ok I see.

After me and Venom worked out an understanding, I walked back into the kitchen. Peter was scarfing down the mac and cheese Anne made faster then I've seen anyone before. He must be hungry- oh. I really hope what I just thought of isn't the case... but better ask him. Better safe than sorry.

"Um Peter... " I asked and he turned around to look at me. "I hope you don't mind me asking but um... Did Ms. Miller ever... starve you?" I finished, and watched him swallow a mouthful.

"Uhm... no." He said, and I could automatically tell he was lying.

"Peter, it's ok. You can tell us the truth." I said.

"I- I just don't want... if I ... the others..." He said, trying to figure out the right words.

"Peter?" Anne asked, in a comforting, yet coxing way.

"I... I just don't know what will happen to Franky and all the others if you guys go to the cops about it. I- I just don't want them t-to go somewhere worse." Peter finally explained, his voice breaking near the end.

Anne reached over and hugged him, while I stood there thinking for a moment.

"Peter, we won't tell anybody. But just tell us if she ever did." I asked him.

"S-she... she did." He finally said, and I realized that he must have had my experience with orphanages.

"For how long?" I asked, afraid of the answer.

"U-usually about a w-week at max." He said and I felt angry. Who did she think she was?!

I say we fry her arms in chocolate and eat her head with a side of tater tots. I heard Venom say.

"Venom no," I whispered, then brought my attention back to Peter.

"When was the last time you ate?" I asked.

"Oh, well the last time I ate was earlier today." He said and I sighed.

"Ok, well we won't go to the police unless you want us too." I said, and went to sit down in the living room.

Venom POV:

After Eddie talked to the Bean about someone starving him, and I added in my offer to eat their arms and head with a tasty side of tater tots and chocolate. Eddie started telling the Bean about the Eddie Brock Show and how he wanted Mr. Bean to get Tony Stark, who apparently he knew, on his show. Eddie always wants an interview with this person or that.

A little while after that, everyone went to bed because it was almost 11. But I still don't understand how that's late! I mean back on my plante we didn't even tell time! But now that I think about it, we weren't very good at getting sleep either. (All of that stuff abt his planet I just made up)

[ Time skip brought to you from dave's parasite friend Vern ↼ ^ '_' ^⇀ ]




Eddie killed the alarm, and sat up. Well, time for another day of... what is it that we do again? Oh right... the thrilling job of reporting. How fun.

We don't normally work on Sundays, but Eddie insisted that we try and find this Stark person for an interview. He knew everything he wanted to ask, but just needed to get an actual interview to ask it. Well good luck with that.

After we finished making pancakes with extra chocolate, we sat down to eat them. After we finished the first one, the Bean came out of his room. He must smell the deliciousness of these chocolate delicacies.

"Hey... Eddie," the Bean said.

"Oh, hey Pete," Eddie said looking over at him. "Little early to be up?" He asked.

"Oh, I couldn't sleep... New bed and all. Also I smelled something good..." Mr. Bean replied.

'Yes,' I said. 'Those are our chocolatey pancakes with extra chocolate.' I said, though only Eddie could hear me.

"Oh these are the pancakes I made... Chocolate pancakes." Eddie said, and I saw Bean's eyes get a small hungry look in them.

"Can I have some?" He asked and Eddie nodded, pushing the plate full of pancakes towards the Señor Bean.

"Yes, take as many as you'd like! You are our son after all." Eddie said, and I believe we all felt that moment of world-wide cringe.

"So... uh, why are you up so early on a Sunday?" The Bean asked us.

'Because this loser needs a job to pay rent.' I said for us, but Eddie just ignored me. Rude.

"I'm up early to see if I can try again to get an interview with Tony Stark." Eddie explained as Mr. Bean shoved a pancake into his mouth. Then he started telling Eddie something.

"Ya know... *chew* ...me and my friends are supposed to... *chew* ...go to Stark Tower- er... *chew* ...I guess that was yesterday but they were uh, busy- *chew* But when we do go, maybe you can drop us off... *chew* ...and get an interview then?" The Bean told us, and it sounded like something I'd be down for.

'Yes, listen to the Bean. He had good ideas.' I told Eddie.

"Aw yes! Thanks kid!" Eddie said. "That's great! I've had a few questions I've been dying to ask him!" Eddie said standing up.

'Are they if his medal suits are edible or not?' I asked, but was ignored yet again. Wow... really feeling the love right now.

"Really? Like what?" The Bean asked interested.

"Just some things about Stark Industries mainly... but also some Avengers stuff. I'm still a reporter, so I gotta ask all the 'do you know if there's gonna be another alien attack?' stuff." Eddie finished up, and I could already tell this was gonna be a long day. Just gotta get through it... and what better to do so with then extra chocolatey pancakes!


Just wanna ask if I should write more from Venoms POV or not. It was kinda hard cause I wasn't sure exactly how he speaks. But it kinda fun ngl.

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