《25 Look! It's What Happens After Chapter 24!》

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Anne POV:

After dropping off Peter, I wait for a few minutes before entering the front of the building and looking for the office. I find it after a few wrong turns, and open the door. There's a lady scrolling through her phone sitting at a desk. There's another door that says Principals Office next to her, and I march towards it. Then the lady looks up and me.

"Hey, you can't go in there!" She says, but doesn't get up. I just ignore her and open the door. The principles typing away at his computer, and looks up when I barge in.

"Hi... Can I help you?" He asks me and I walk up and put my hands down on the desk.

"Yes, yes you can." I say a bit angry.

"Excuse me but who are you?" He then asks me.

"I'm someone who wants to know why their kid got detention, for no good reason." I try to say simple, but deadly. Trying to control my rage, I glare at him a little.

"I don't think I've seen you before. Who's your student?" He asks.

"Peter Parker." I said deadly calm, and he seems to choke on nothing.

"Peter Parker? The Orphan? He got a-adopted?!" He says, and almost seems like he's trying really hard not to laugh.

"Is something funny?" I ask while still glaring. He straightens his tie and clears his throat.

"No, nothing's funny Ma'am." He says. "And to answer your question..." He started typing away at his computer again, looking for something. "Ah, he got detention for lying to his entire class, and showing off by paying Tony Stark to pretend to know him." He says and looks up at me like I'd be satisfied with that answer. Like I'd just walk out of here like nothing had been wrong; like it was all just a big misunderstanding. Good luck with that happening buddy.

"He did none of that." I say through gritted teeth.

"Um... but he did." He says, and this guy is really starting to get on my nerves. "It's something that he'd try and pull... I mean if I had only had two friends I'd certainly do it." He says lacing his hands.

"Anything else I can help you with?" He simply asks, and I lose it. I feel the power coursing through me just like before. Though this time I'm more angry. I feel my form transforming, and suddenly I'm taller.

"Yes, there is."


(Still Anne's POV)

"Mmmh... good morning Anne." A sleepy Eddie said.

"Good morning." I said back. "Remember, I'm taking Peter to school today." I reminded him, and he nodded.

"Yep," He said and got out of bed.

"So I was wondering if I could maybe borrow your friend for a bit." I said, and he paused to think.

"For what?" He asked, and I just shrug.

"A little bit of interrogation?" I said and he seemed to be listening to someone.

"How do you feel sticking with Anne for today?" He asked himself. Or at least that's what it'd looked like for someone who didn't know about a certain someone. Then Eddie nodded and looked back at me.

"He says he's fine with it. Both of us are both commendable with him, so it won't hurt you or him." He said and moved over towards me. Holding out his hand, a black blob appeared. It moved around curiously, and hopped onto my shoulder. I watched as it soaked into me.

'Ah, hello Anne.' Venom said.

"Hi Venom," I said. "And just to let you know, There's a very small chance you'll get to eat anyone today. Just to set your expectations." I said while Eddie went to go get dressed in the bathroom.

'Aw! You're just like Eddie.' He said and I stood up.

"Well you're stuck with me for most of the day, so get used to it." I said.

'Alright,' He said. 'But could we just eat one person?' He said.

"Venom!" I laughed.

[End of flashback]

Venom POV:

I watched as the human cowered in fear. HA! As he should! Fear me! All the things he was saying about the Bean made me want to rip his head off and shove his arms up his nose. Not that they'd ever fit, but it'd be worth a try. No one calls the Bean a liar and gets away with it.

Anne had been holding me back up until just a few moments ago, and I took control. I knew just what to say to this poor excuse of a man.

"Yes, there is." I say to him, and he seems to not be able to look away. "You can stop tormenting the B- Peter. He is one of the most precious people and deserves better than you." I say and lean over his to make him feel even more frightened. It was working.

"PLEASE can I bite off his head?" I ask Anne.

'VENOM! WE TALKED ABOUT THIS! I- um... oh I'm gonna so regret this. Just eat him... but make it quick and... clean.' She says eventually and I smile. Though truth be told it just probably looked more threatening. I was about to take the first bite, when he got up the nerve to speak.

"P-Please!" He says, and I take it upon myself to toy with him.

"Ok, I won't bite off your head." I say, and his form relaxes. "I'll eat you whole." I finish and he tenses up. But before he can even scream I gobbel him up. Oh how I've missed this!

Anne POV:

Oh god Eddie is gonna kill me.

After Venom finished up eating the school's principal, he disappeared and shrunk back down. I was back to my normal self, and quickly left the room. The lady from before was still sitting there, complearly oblivious to the murder show that just happed in the room next to her.

"I think your principal disappeared." I said to her and she looked up just as I left. Well... that was interesting. 

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