《20 Getting To Know You》

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A/N: The pic above is what peters room looks like at Eddie and Anne apartment. But just imagine the comforters Blue, red, and white instead of yellow, brown and white. And the blanket thing will make sense as you read this ch. aND UGGGGGGGGGG- I always forget to change 'untitled part' !!! (so sorry to anyone who saw that).

Eddie POV:

After I laid Peter down in his new room, I went out to where Anne was waiting for me. She was leaning on the kitchen counter, with a smile on her face. I came up to her and kissed her.

"Hey Eddie," she said.

"Hey," I said.

"Is Peter sleeping?" She asked.

"Yep." I said popping the p.

"What should we do when he wakes up?" she asked.

"Well... I've been where he is before... And I'd say we just need to be there for him. Families are always a touchy subject, but I think it's best if we start with some, uh... maybe ice breakers?" I suggested, and Anne nodded along.

"Like a kind of 'one thing about you' concept?" She asked.

"I guess" I said. "Oh, and we need to know if he's in any after school stuff, and if there's any places he goes too." I added in.

"Yes, now... would he go to school on Monday?" Anne asked, and I just shrugged.

"It's up to him. We can't make him stay home if he doesn't want to." I said, and she nodded at that, and went to sit down in the living room. Belv joined her in her lap, and she quietly put on the tv, so as to not wake up Peter in the other room.

Peter POV:

After my dreamless sleep, I slowly sat up. I was in a warm bed, but oh... Surprise surprise! It still wasn't my bed, and I... I don't recognize where I am... Then it dawned on me. I must be in Eddie and Anne house.

I got out of the bed, and in a sleepy haze, draped the warm blanket that I had slept with, around my body. The ends of it dragged on the floor as I reached the door. I heard the sounds of a tv from down the hall, and pushed the door open. I trudged down the hallway until I came out into what looked like an apartment.

There was a small kitchen to my left, with white countertops. About three bar stools were seated next to it, and Eddie was using a computer on one of them. On my right was a living room, with a couch and two chairs. Anne had the tv on and was flipping through channels. I cleared my throat and they both looked at me.

"Hey Peter!" Eddie said, speaking up and walking over to me. Anne turned off the tv and watched us. I gave a small wave. Eddie brought me to the living room. Rubbing his hands together, he looked at Anne, then me.

"So uh, we were thinking about telling each of us a little about ourselves. Uh- like more then what we discussed earlier." He said, and I nodded.

"So kinda like we each say something about us?" I asked and he nodded. "Oh ok..." I said and stayed silent.

"But also we need to know if you have any after school clubs or any places you need to be. Like soccer practice or anything like that." Anne said, looking at me. I gulped down my nervous energy and tried to be a bit more confident.

"Yeah, ok sure. I'm part of my decathlon team at school. We usually meet either before school starts, or after school. But that's it." I said.

"Alright, now... lets see... Anne? Wanna start our little ice breaker game?" Eddie asked her, and she nodded. Pulling her legs up onto the couch she was sitting on, so she was sitting cross legged.

"Ok... so I..." She paused for a second to think, when a mew! broke the silence. I turned to see a cat walk into the room. Anne reached down and picked it up, stroking its head. "I have a cat named Mr. Belvedere." She said.

"Oh cool," I said. "I've never had a pet before." I said, and then Eddie asked me if I wanted to go next. Not wanting to be rude I said I would. "I... I've met Tony Stark..." I said without thinking, and Eddie shot straight up, while Anne just facepalmed.

"Tony Stark?" He asked me and I nodded cautiously. "Do you uh, think you could maybe get me an interview?" He asked me and I was confused.

"Why?" I asked.

"Oh, well my fun fact is that I'm a reporter with my own show. The Eddie Brock Show? And I've been trying to get an interview with Stark for like months. But he keeps declining!" Eddie explained, and Anne just rolled her eyes. She set Mr. Belvedere down and stood up.

"You hungry?" She asked me, and I nodded. We both walked into the kitchen.

[ Time skip to after Anne makes Kraft Mac and Cheese for Peter, and Dave's being jelly \_* - *_/ ]

Anne handed me a bowl of mac and cheese and a spoon. I took a bite and just then realized how hungry I was. I soon had finished the entire bowl and Anne just gave me some more.

"Um Peter... " I heard and turned to see Eddie. "I hope you don't mind me asking but um... Did Ms. Miller ever... starve you?" He asked and I swallowed. If I told them the truth, who knows what would happen to Franky, Eliza and all the others!

"Uhm... no..."



I have break this week but I'm also moving soon so theres a  lot of packing I need to do

So i'll try to update if I can! 

✌️ 👋 

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