《47 The Loki, The Peter, and The Box》

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"I am not dead."

Anne POV:

Peter had given me an ear piece before he left, and after I put it in, I realized that it was a com link for the whole team. Then Tony told me to go down to the lab, because I was going to become a sort of eyes and ears for them. And I gotta admit, it was pretty fun. Screens all around me, and I get to drink coffee while advising the Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

Tony POV:

As soon as Peter got to the roof, he was already in his Spider-man suit. He joined me, and together we walked inside the QuinJet. Everyone turned to look at who was walking in, and I saw a few questioning looks as to why Spider-Man was here.

"Tony-" Clint whispered. "Why is the S-P-I-D-E-R... here?" He asks.

"Uh..." I look over at Peter, and he looks up at me. I can't see his eyes, but I bet they're giving me some sort of 'please don't tell them' look. "Personal reasons." I say and Nat raises her eyebrows at me. Then after everyone dispersed and the jet got into the air, she walked over to me.

"Really?" 'Personal reasons'?" She asks me and I shrug.

"Well it's true isn't it?" I counter.

Peter POV:

"Ok team, listen up." I turn my attention over to Steve, who was currently giving the game plan layout- or the... mission debrief? Wait wait no, we just had that. The... mission plan? Yeah that sounds right. "-building that Eddie is in," I quickly zone back in. "It's a Hydra base. We've known of this one for a while now, and we'd been taking our time to figure out a way to take it down." Steve says, and by now everyones gathered around him. "So here's the plan: two of us will go in to infiltrate the base posing as agents. Then those two will find Eddie, and get him out of there. Meanwhile, the rest of us will cause a distraction and attack the base head on. Leaving the two to get Eddie, and get out safely back to the quin jet. Got it?" Steve asks and I step forwards.

"I want to be one of the two to find Eddie." I say and Steve looks at me weirdly. "Err-" I clear my throat. "I-I wanna be one of the two to find this Eddie guy." I say, and after a second or two Steve finally nods his head.

"Okay then," He then looks around at everybody. "So any takers to go with Spider-Man?" He asks and then there's a voice from the back.

"I'll go." Everybody turns their heads around to see a man in the shadows. He steps forwards and I tense. L-Loki...

Loki POV:

I know that the spider child is probably frightened of me, and he has good reason to be. But... if we do this mission together, I hope this invisible barrier between us goes away. And, maybe we can even be... friends? That is that word right? Yes, and because he seems like he's been through almost as much as I have, and people like us, we need to stick together. So thus why I volunteered.

"Are you sure brother?" Thor asks me, and I give him a look.

"Yes, brother, I'm sure." I say, and my gaze falls on the spider. Even though he has a mask on, I can tell that Peter is scared. So I do the sensible thing, and talk to him telepathically.

Peter, I say, and he flinches before looking around the room. When his gaze lands back on me, I nod my head down. He knows it's me.

W-What do you w-want... He thinks.

I just wanted to say that I-I'm sorry... about all of it. I reply, and then look over at Thor. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go read my book." I say aloud.

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