《16 Snakes, Tacos, And Movie Marathons

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A/N: Ok, I wanna give a shout-out to my readers from Belgium and Italy! Whats it like to live there?

Peter POV:

Tony walked in, and he seemed in distress. He looked up frantically and was about to say something before he saw me. He froze, glared at everyone, and then walked up to me. And he... hugged me? Why did he hug me?

Tony POV:

As soon as I saw Peter, I ran up to him and hugged him. I had no idea how he got in the living room, but I was just glad that he was ok. After a few seconds, I pulled away and looked him in the eye.

"Where were you?!" I asked him a little louder than necessary, and I saw him flinch at my volume.

"I uh... I woke up and tried to find you, but got lost and found my room instead... and I fell asleep but woke up and heard footsteps and got scared and climbed into the vents. And I saw Natasha here and dropped down to say hello." Peter explained, and he was looking down at his fidgeting fingers the whole time. Ugg! He was too adorable to be mad at!

"Ok then... Well just next time just text me if you can't find me? Ok?" I asked him, and he nodded his head.

[Insert awkward silence here]

Peter POV:

A few seconds later, my spidey sense tingled from behind me, and I ducked. A pillow soared above my head, covered in red magic. I turned around to look at Wanda who had a guilty expression on her face. Then I went and sat down next to Nat, and she didn't say I couldn't sit there. And Mr. Stark joined us. Him on the right of me, and Natasha on the left. Then Clint walked in and things got a little more heated.

"Hey everybody-" He started, but then his eyes landed on Nat and he looked a little scared. Nat calmly stood up and glared at him. "Oh uh..." Clint started. "I just remembered something I have to do..." He said and ran over and jumped up into the vents I dropped down from. Nat then sat back down and took out a knife from her sleeve. She began cleaning her fingernails with it. To say it was a little threatening wouldn't be an understatement.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"Oh Clint put a bucket of water above my door this morning and drenched me." She said.

"He pranked you?" I asked.

"Yep." She responded, and I got an idea of how to prank him back. I leaned over and whispered it in her ear. She nodded approvingly.

"I'll take care of the ingredients, and you think you can build that?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I've built one before. So it should be easy." I said, and she relaxed back into the couch. Just then the elevator opened and out walked a man in green and black clothes holding grocery bags. I wouldn't say that he had a smile on his face, but it wasn't a frown either.

The man walked over to the kitchen, put the bags down, and entered the living room. He looked at me curiously, and then my spidey sense went off again. It felt like some sort of force was invading my mind. I tried to block it out. If this guy was trying to read my mind, I wouldn't let him.
I watched as his face morphed into what looked like concentration. Soon he gave up and sent me a confused glare.

"How are you keeping me out mortal?" He asked me, and he sounded a little fimlaur.

"I uh- what?" I asked. "Who are you?"

"I am Loki, of Asgard. Now, I demand you tell me how I was not able to read your mind." He stated, and my eyes widened. I felt panic start to spread across my chest, but I pushed it down. Now here. Not now... you should be over it by now Peter! It was eight years ago for crying out loud!

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