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Peter POV:



Why did stupid Hawkeye have to shoot me in the gut?! And why can't the Avengers just give up already?! ...And why is it bleeding so much?!

I was currently on top of the orphanage, trying to stop the bleeding. The wound wasn't that deep, but for such a small hole it sure had a lot of blood. Was there supposed to be this much blood? My suit was probably ruined, and I don't know if it's washable. And plus, now I had an arrow hole in my suit.

Stay calm Peter... Stay calm. Steady breathing, that it. In, and out...

       I need help.

I'd text Ned, but he told me that his parents were taking him out to dinner today to celebrate him acing his science test. And MJ probably wouldn't know what to do, because she's only known for me being Spider-Man for about a month. I mean yeah, maybe she knows a little first aid. But I can't ask that of her.

Then there's always... well... I don't know. He said if I was hurt, and I-I don't know. I mean, yes, I am hurt. But I don't want to bring my problems to him! I don't want him to worry about me. But maybe it's because I don't want him to get close to me, because everyone who does ends up dead. I can't do that to him. Give him Parker Luck and see him die. No way.

       But I have no one else...

I reach into my backpack and search around for the slip of paper. My fingers wrap around it, and I pull it out. Tony Stark's number. I typed it into my cracked phone with shaking fingers, and clicked the call button.

The longer it rang, the faster my heart beat. Come on! Just pick up the phone already!

       Ring... ring... ring...

Well maybe he doesn't recognize the number.

Maybe his phone is dead.

Maybe he left it somewhere.

Maybe he-


He answered. He actually answered. I was about to responde, but my voice chose that time to crack.

"M-Mr. Stark-" I said, and it sounds even more pathetic than I thought.

"Peter? Peter what happened?!" Tony asked.

"I- shot..." I croaked, suddenly feeling really weak.

"WHAT! Where!?" He sounded really worried, but it wasn't that big of a deal... was it?

"I-I'm on the r-roof o-of the o-orphanage." I stutter.

"I'm coming to get you." Mr. Stark said, and I rushed to reply.

"N-No it's ok Mr. Stark! I'm fine!"

"Kid, you're most definitely not fine! You were shot! I'm coming."

"No I- its fine Mr. Stark! I uh, only called cause I had a q-question."

"Oh? That's all? Not because you have a freaking bullet wound?!"

"No I- wait what? It's not a bullet wound. I was shot with an arrow-" As soon as those words left my mouth, I heard very loud yelling for Clint from tony. I hope I didn't get him in trouble.

"Kid, I'm coming over right now."

"No it's ok! I just- two things." I said.

"I- ok fine. But I'm still coming to get you." He said and I knew there was no point in arguing.

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