《23 Eddie Is Sus + Detention and Bullies》

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A/N: Ok, so the video above... DON'T WATCH IT YET! I have a part in the story when it says to play it. Tbh its kinda near the end. So maybe start reading around the second time skip? And FYI this is MOSTLY edited... 

Peter POV:

Phew. The end of second period. Classes is almost over, and I just gotta make it through-

"Mr. Parker," Mrs. Goldstein suddenly called out as she finished up her lesson. "I believe we all have some questions for you." She said and there was a mix of 'yeahs' and 'yeps' throughout the class.

"Uhm... w-what questions?" I asked. "A-About what?" I said again, trying to act dumb until the bell rang.

"Of why you paid off Tony Stark to come into this classroom and pretend to know you. It's not cool to do that just to get people to like you." She said in a 'tsk tsk' kinda way.

"I-I didn't... I w-wasn't..." I said trying to defend myself, but failing. "How could I possibly afford to do that!" I exclaimed. "That's not something I'd do just for people to like me-"

"I'm having a hard time believing you Peter." She said cutting me off. "Flash over here says it's something you'd pull." She said, and I completely forgot that Flash was in this class. He just glared at me and smirked... if that's even possible to do all at once.

"But we're not even friends! How would he-" I started but was cut off again.

"But I saw you two together in the hall last Friday talking to one another like you were the best of friends!" She said, with something like venom lacing her words.

"But that's... I- How would I even do something like this?!" I asked defiantly.

"I don't know, you tell me?" She said I was about to lose it.

"But I didn't-" I started to say.

"Detention Mr. Parker." She said sharply and I stopped talking. What?! Detention?! This is so unfair! I did nothing wrong!

[ Time skip to lunch from Ernesto \_$~$_/-($) the rich cousin? ]

Finding my seat at our usual table, I realized that I forgot to ask for a lunch from Eddie and Anne. I started looking through my bag for the extra money from Mr. Stark last Friday. There's probably gonna be enough to buy lunch for today- wait. What is that? I pulled out a brown barber bag with 'Peter' written on the side of it. Where did this come from?

Opening it up, I found a sandwich from Mr. Delmars in a small little container. On top of it was a sticky note.

Hey Peter,

While you were out from the virus, I went and got you a sandwich from that place you like. Delmeres right? It's in a special container to keep it fresh until you decide to eat it.


Wow... when did Mr. Stark put this in here?! Quickly I opened up the lid and took a bite. It tasted like it was freshly made! I started digging in while waiting for Ned and MJ to get back with their lunches. They bought today because it was Pizza Monday. A few minutes later they sat down next to me.

"So... your parents are weird?" MJ asked, remembering our conversation from this morning. That came out of nowhere and I choked a little.

"Oh um... well first off their names are Eddie and Anne. And it's just Eddie who's a little off." I said.

"How?" Ned asked between bites.

"Well the day they adopted me, we got stopped by a mugger. But I didn't need to do anything because Anne hid me behind her, and moved us away. But Eddie... he somehow scared the mugger and they ran away screaming." I explained, and MJ seemed to think for a moment.

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