《17 The Camo Car》

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A/N: this ones a little short, but necessary to read!

Peter POV:

When the doors opened, I heard footsteps running behind us. I turned around and saw Nat sprinting towards us, with something in her hand. It looked like a little bottle with green pills in it.

"Wait!" She called. "I'm coming too!" All three of us stepped into the elevator, and Tony asked Friday to bring us to the garage. As soon the doors opened again, my jaw dropped. How could one man own so many cars?! Then Mr- Tony looked down at me.

"You pick." He said simply.

"W-wait... like which car we take?" I asked, while looking over them all.

"Yep," Tony said, popping the p.

"Oh um..." My eyes scanned over all the cars again, looking for one. They were all flashy, and screamed 'IM RICH'. I needed to pick one on the down low- That one's perfect! I pointed to it.

"That one?" I asked Tony.

"The Audi? You sure?" He asked me.

"Yep!" I said. "Uh, it's the most down-low." I added in.

"If you say so kid." Tony said shrugging.

[Dave here to give you your daily time skip! ^'~'^

He's a little mad rn because his step dad made fun of his favorite book series. Poor Dave 😕 ]

And now we're here, at the orphanage. Queens Orphanage. With shaking fingers, I got out of the car. Nat and Tony walked with me up to the door, and wished me luck. And I stepped inside.

The door slammed shut, and I jumped at the sudden noise. Just then Ms. Miller popped around the corner, scaring the living daylight out of me.

"Parker," She sneered, marching over to me. "Where have you been!?" She spit in my face, pinning me against the wall by my hair. I could smell the alcohol on her breath, and because she was right up in my face, it was too overwhelming.

Ms. Miller raised her hand to hit me, but stopped right from my face. My eyes had been closed shut, but I opened them when she didn't do anything. Her hand was inches from my face, but then she just rolled her eyes and backed up crossing her arms. Letting go of my hair in the process. I wasn't sure if it was safe to move, so I just stood there, frozen and confused. She just moved back further, and glared at me.

"Go on, get." She said, pointing with her head towards the stairs. I hesitated for a moment, unsure of what just happened.

"I said go!" She yelled a bit, and then it clicked in on why she wasn't hitting me. The family coming by, the reason that was the cause of the sudden end to a pillow fight- RIGHT! THE FAMILY!

I rushed upstairs to put my backpack away in my small room, and change into different clothes. I'd return these to Mr. Stark (and the second new shirt he got) next time I was them... If I did.

A few minutes later, I raced back down the stairs to the living room off the entrance. It was the room in the house used for when a family was coming to adopt. Dusty toys would be scattered throughout it for the littler kids. And there was some furniture too.

I went to the spot where I always sit: an old brown leather chair in the corner of the room. I had a book in my hand too; the fourth out of nine in Bruce Banner's Gamma Radiation series. (I made that up btw... I think...)

It was then that I realized that the family, er couple, were already here. I must have missed them on my way down. Ms. Miller put on a fake smile and approached them. She reached out her hand for them to shake.

"Hi, I'm Amy Miller. Ms. Miller to the kids. Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Brock!"


ok, so 1)......... EEEEEEEEEEEEEKK! THE BROCKS!!!

2) thats Eddie and Anne btw... ya know, Venom?


It's the 2018 movie version of them. The good version of Venom and Eddie. And if you've seen the movie, in my story Eddie and Anne are back together (and Dan is a close friend.)

and thank you for your time *bows*

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