《4 - Vigilante》

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Peter POV:

       After getting discharged from the hospital, I decided to go to my favorite sandwich shop in Queens: Delmar's Deli-Grocery. But first, since I had no idea where I was, I found the closet alley and pulled out my suit. Taking off my shirt and pants, I shoved them into my backpack. Then I pulled up my red onesie made of spandex. Once I was completely covered, head to toe, I slung my bag over my shoulder and took off. Now I recognized where I was, and I took off in the direction of the deli. When I got there, I found another alley to change. Then I walked into the store.

"Hey Mr. Delmar." I said to the shop owner.

"Hey Peter, shouldn't you be in school?" He asked me.

"Well, it's kinda a long story." I scratched the back of my neck.

"Oh, ok. Now its number 5 right?" Mr. Delmar said, knowing me well.

"Yeah, and with pickles, and can you smush it down real flat?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure thing boss." Mr. Delmar joked, and I moved over letting other customers order. When my food was finally ready, I grabbed it and ran back to the alley. I quickly changed back into my suit and shoved the sandwich into my bag. Now, to find a good place to eat it.

Tony POV:

After I met with that Parker kid, I went back to my lab.

Now I bet you're wondering, What happened with Aiimis?! Well, turns out I forgot to carry the 15 when I was doing the suits programming. But I eventually disabled him and got that fixed. The sad part was that I still hadn't come up with a better name than Aiimis. Though I had other things to worry about at the moment. Like Fury's most recent call.

I couldn't believe that Fury had really asked me to do that. I mean yeah, sure, he might be a little annoying at times. But to go so far as to ask me to find, catch, and unmask Spider-Man? I was shocked. Did Fury have something against spiders or something? I mean all these months, and then BAM! Out of the blue he starts asking questions? If I am to find that guy, I want to know how he sticks to walls and all that stuff with the webs! I mean that's insanely cool. But revealing his identity to the world when he tries so hard to keep it a secret? That's a little harsh. But it's not like I can just ignore Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D-

I was taken out of my thoughts when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Stark" said the other line, and I mentally face palmed. Nick Fury was calling me again.

"What is it this time Fury? You want me to go back to Afghanistan and get impaled again?" I asked.

"I know you're not happy about my asking you to hunt down the vigilante Spider-Man, but I have some questions for you. Like why you were talking with Richard Parker's son today." Fury said, and then it hit me. I realized why Peter looked so familiar! He was a spitting image of his dad! It was such a sad thing that happened to that boy, and at such a young age.

"What about him?" I asked.

"Well, we were monitoring him because of his situation, and then we see he's been checked into a hospital and his bill is being paid for by you." Fury said back in a way that made me feel like I was in trouble.

"Oh, well uh... I kinda accidentally made a billboard fall on top of him and I felt bad. So I made sure he was safely in the hospital. And I paid for his bill, well, because of his current living situation." I said all this calmly, despite all my nerves telling me to shut up because I might make Fury even more mad. It was silent for a moment.

"Good. I was just curious." Fury said at last. "Now, about your Spider-man problem-"

"No! I'm not going to find some kid in a costume for you just so you can reveal his identity to the whole world! If you want to know who he is so badly then why not do it yourself!" I snapped, and when I realized I'd been yelling, I immediately stopped and waited for a response.

"Well I was going to ask you to find out who he is so we can keep track of him and make sure he don't do anything stupid. Not reveal his identity to the whole world. We might even eventually jet him join the Avengers after a while. But it's fine by me if you don't want to find him." This time I was on the end of the call that was silent. How did I feel about Spider-Man joining the Avengers? Strangely not as weird as I thought I would.

"Yes sir, I'll get right on that." I responded and the line went dead.

Peter POV:

I had found a rooftop to sit on and eat my lunch, while dangling my feet out over Times Square. I took notice of it being 1:03pm, and realized that Ned had probably texted me. I pulled out my phone that Ms. Miller didn't know I had and found that Ned had texted me at least a million times.





Where r u?!

Is it a spider man thing?

Do you need your guy in the chair?


Does MJ know where you are?

I'm gonna ask her

She says she hasn't seen you all day!!

Come on Peter!

Where are you?!


Are you dead?

I mean like, did u die fighting a monster guy?

Wait no, you wouldn't be able to respond if u died

Wait, DID u die?

Or at least get hurt badly?

P E T E R!!!!!

Answer! Hello?

I gotta get to class



ur better than me at math

I wish you were here


I give up

I think your dead

Yep, definitely dead.


PLSSSSS get back to me!


__ 1:05pm __

Hey Ned,

Sry, something happened.

I'll tell you ltr

Also, I'm not coming to school today

Ok byeeee!



       I closed my phone and took out my food, pulling up my mask so just my mouth was visible. I took a bite while contently watching the traffic below, looking out for any hero work to do. Suddenly there was a rush of wind behind me and I turned around. I dropped my sandwich into the traffic below when I realized who was behind me.

       "Spider-Man," Iron Man said.



Cliff hanger   

Wonder what happens next...

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