《32 Scott Recruits The Ants Of The Crumb Table》

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Scott POV:

I was in the mood for donuts, and Dunkin was right around the corner. Well... if you count the corner two towns away. But anyways, I had two options: take the van or fly there. Just then my stomach grumbled. I'm flying.

As soon as I put on my suit, I started my walk to the park. I got a few weird looks on the way there, but I'm used to it. I mean, if I was someone dressed like me on the street, I'd probably avoid them. Well... ok that's not entirely true. I'd probably ask to try on their suit. But that's besides the point. As soon as I got to the park, I walked over to the fountain. As soon as I found the right anthill, I looked around to see if anyone was watching. Then I pressed the right button on my suit and shrank down. Entering the anthill, I looked around for a few minutes.

"Hey! Sir Anther! Just the ant I'm looking for!' I said as soon as I saw him. He was piling up food crumbs in a corner, and turned around when he heard me. He rushed towards me, knocking me down. I rubbed his head and he nudges my other hand. He's so adorable! Then I clapped my hands together.

"Aright Sir Anther, Ant of the Crumb Table, are you up for a little adventure?" I asked him and he chirped in response. I took that as a yes.

But as soon as I got inside, - in the bathrooms so it wouldn't look suspicious if a full grown man suddenly appeared in the middle of a Dunkin Donuts - my grow button wasn't working! And by then, Sir Anther had left already. Great, I'm stranded in a Dunkin Donuts bathroom.

After about ten minutes, I made it to the counter and tried to look for a way out. It seemed I was stranded, until I saw Steve walk in. So I tried to get his attention. But it turns out jumping and waving when you're an inch tall doesn't do much. So that plan failed. But now it's time for plan B: Donut Run.

As soon as Steve places his order, I leap over the counter and slide into one of the trays of donut flavors he asked for. I ended up in the chocolate frosted bin, which was right next to the chocolate munchkins. I quickly grabbed one of the small tasty balls of delectable sugar for the ride. And when I say ride, I mean ride. As soon as one of the workers reached for a donut from my bin, I leaped onto it, taking the munchkin with me. As I was placed in the box, I unhinged the little part of my mask that covers my mouth, and started eating the munchkin. Ohhhh this is so *munch* good... oh yeah... *chew*...that's the stuff! Mmh yeah, that's amazing.

After a few more donuts were added to the box, the lid closed and I was left in the darkness. But I'm used to it. Ant hills can get very dark sometimes, with them being underground and all.

[Time skip in dedication to Antony, may he rest in peaces... cause he has no... wings... yeah I'm just gonna get back to the story now-]

As soon as I heard an elevator door ding, I slowly opened the top of the box just a crack. Ah yes, Avengers Tower. You know, I was gonna come by here this afternoon, but now works too.

Steve placed down the box, and I heard someone speaking. But I don't know what they said, because these donut boxes are thick. I bet they'd be able to withstand a hurricane, or maybe even Thor when Clint eats the last pop tarts. That is one scary thing to witness...

All of a sudden the lid to my box opened up, and then the donut I was on was whooshed out of the box. I thought it must have been Wanda who had done that, but as I looked closer, I saw some sort of sticky stuff on the frosting. Hmm... kinda looks like spider webs...

Then in about three seconds, I was in- PETERS HANDS?! Why was he here?! I mean not that I'm complaining, he's my third biggest fan! After Cassie and Sir Anther of course- AHHH! Peter was about to take a bite, when I yelled up at him, not wanting to be inside a stomach today.

"WAIT!" I yelled, and he paused for a second, then looked down on the pastry in his hand.

"DOWN HERE!" I yelled again and Peter then saw me.

"Scott?" He asked and I nodded. He gave me a confused look before he held out his hand and I climbed up to his palm. Peter then puts me on his shoulder.

"Do you mind if I ask why you were on my donut?" He asks me, and I get ready to explain. But just then one of the people on the couch I don't recognize looks over at Peter, and then sees me.

"Peter... Peter!" The kid whisper-shouts, and points at me. "There's a bug on your shoulder!" He says, and I sigh, while Peter just laughs.

"Yeah Ned! It's Ant-Man! He was on my donut!" Peter says cheerfully, and I jump off of Peter and try to grow to full scale to say hi. I press the left thumb button, and... nothing. I try again, still nothing. Then it hits me: I forgot to restock the Pym particles in the suit! Dang it! Guess I'm stuck little until I get some more. You know, I really should find a hide out for myself here for when I'm small, maybe in the vents... Yeah! That would be cool, and I could keep a bag of popcorn there, and maybe a small piece of a fuzzy blanket! And I could- AHHHHHHH! FOOT!

I quickly jump out of the way of someone's foot, and land on the living room carpet... Ew, it's disgusting. Someone should really vacuum this thing once in a while. Yeesh people, I mean I know you're the Worlds Mightiest Heroes and all, but still. Be considerate of us tiny folk!

[Time skip to later, when Tony's going to drop Peter, Ned, and MJ off at Eddie's, because they agreed on Eddie taking them both to school and its almost 7am]

Still Scott POV:

After Tony left with Peter, and those two other kids I didn't recognize, I attempted to call an ant, - preferably Little Orphan Antey, - to get back to either my house or Hank's new lab. My house is closer though, and I have a little stash of Pym particles in my kitchen cabinet. There behind my giant bag of sugar cubes, raspberries, bread crumbs, and lettuce. What! I gotta keep my ants fed! But anyways, I figured I'd just call Little Orphan Antey to come pick me up. But that was before I remembered that she was out of state visiting her step-dad Daddy Ant-Bucks. They were having a family reunion, and my call to Little Antey wouldn't reach past the state border- Focus Scott!

Ok, Ok maybe I can catch up with Peter and the others. That way I can get hopefully Peter to help me get back to my house. Ok great! Now... all I need is a piece of paper, a ziplock, donut, pen, a salt shaker, and one of those coffee stick things.

[Baby time skip from Dave's new baby rabbit, Marshmallow \/=^_^=\/]

Ah! There we go! After Using the pen to write something on the paper, I attempted to put the donut in the bag... took a while though. Then I hauled everything but the pen up to a window ledge overlooking heavy traffic. Using the coffee stick, I vaulted up to the little window latch, and unlocked the window. Then I cracked open the window, and positioned the salt shaker to keep the window open. The last thing I did was fold the paper into a paper airplane, and voila! Now... how do I launch myself out the window on the paper airplane, with the donut? Suddenly I heard a buzzing sound, and looked to my left and saw Sir Anther!

"Hey buddy!" I say as he flies over. "Do you think you could help me out?" I ask, and he makes a sort of nodding motion. Then a few more ants fly in our direction, and I recognize them as Sir Antsalot, Sir Antival, and Lady Antevere! They flew over, Antsalot and Antival grabbing the bag with the donut in it, and Anther and Lady Antevere positioning themselves underneath the wings of my paper airplane I was standing in. We might actually make it!

"Ok guys! On three! One... two... Three!" They all flew out the window, and they knew just where to go. Within about 40 seconds, Tony's sleek black car came into view, and the back window was open a crack! Perfect! All the ants dive for the window, the two knights let go of the bag at the right moment for it to soar through the window, and I soon felt Sir Anther, and Lady Antevere disappear from under me, and I made it into the car.

"Swing by later, and I'll be sure to give you all extra fruit and sugar!" I yell as they fly off. Then I direct my attention back to the car. Now, here comes the tricky part. 


I am NOT dead!!!

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