Part 32

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The lavender steel colour always calmed me down reminded me a tranquillity and soft melodies hence why it was the colour of my room but this grey and purple room was the opposite.

"Do you like it we chose it for you. Grey goes with anything and purple is the perfect colour for our princess." Ivory asked bouncing up and down on her heels. I sank to the pale grey soft carpet floor. My world was crashing around me. I felt the twins kneel next to me.

"Y/n we are going to take care of you. Your going to live a life where you will need and want for nothing." Issac told me.

"He right angel we will give you want ever you want all you need to do is ask." Ivory said.

"Freedom? That's what I want Freedom give me back my freedom." I yelled at them throwing my self at Issac biting, hitting, kicking do anything I can. Ivory, I could probably take,  Issac was my main adversary so I would take him down first. Issac quickly over powered me and I had my hand held in a firm grip behind me back in a second and a knee pressed on my legs unable to move them. Ivory large dark eye looked at me with look of hurt on them and I couldn't see Issac's eyes as he was behind me restraining me.

"Angel if we let you go you won't come back we wouldn't be able to handle that, you would run to that filthy baseball player" Ivory told me as she brought out a hand to caress my cheek I moved my head away so she could touch me.

"He name is Emiliano and he is my friend and I like him a lot more then I do you two." I spat at them. Ivory eyes turned darker she looked angry.

"Why won't you accept our love all we want to do is love you. You are acting ungrateful and we can let that slide." She said with no emotion. I felt Issac drag me to the bed I started to struggle again. I didn't know what they were planning to do to me but I know wasn't going to be happy about it. I thrashed around more as I felt my tears start. I felt the hot salty liquid leave wet trails down my cheeks.

"Let me go! Leave me alone." I screamed hoping against hope that someone would hear me where was there mother. I know she was a stay home mum I was told this last week.
"Help me some please help me!" I screamed as I was restrained on the bed.

"No one coming Angel all you need is us." Issac whispered in my ears.

"Your the ones kidnapping me." I yelled at his face. I herd Issac open the bedside draw and get something out while I continue to struggle that when I felt rope being wrapped around my wrists.
"No please let me go." I sobbed as I felt the ropes tighten I knew I was being tied to the head board. I felt a thumb brush my tears away but with my hand restrained I could brush it away.

"We will give you some time to understand that this is your home and we are your lovers we know it's been a hard day we will come back later." Ivory told me. My eyes widened.

"What no you can't leave me tied up what if I need to go to the bathroom." I yelled as they started to leave.

"I suggest you try and hold it." Issac told me as the slammed the door shut behind him and Ivory

"I hate you!" I screamed after them. After while of breathing hard when my heart beat slowed I could final stop and think things through. I need to get out of here that much was more evident. However how I was meant to do this I had no idea. I knew I was at their house but I was distracted both time I came here and the way from here back to my house. I missed Em, and Thorn, Ryan, Adrian, Wyatt and Nixon. I wondered how they were doing what they were thinking. I really hoped Em wasn't hatching some insane plan to come and save me that wouldn't end well for either of us. Now that I wasn't be able to move any part of my body apart from my head and legs. I started to look around my room the were three doors out of the bedroom one obviously went to the hallway another one I guessed was an en-suite the third could possibly be a wardrobe as there was no visible wardrobe or chest of draws in the room. I looked up at the ceiling which is when my eyes caught a little red light and a small camera. I glared at it you have got to be kidding me they were fucking recording me. How could I ever think those sickos were my friends. If they put a camera in the bedroom what if they put on in the bathroom and closet as well. I felt bile rise up in my throat I tried to swallow it down I really did but it wouldn't, I quickly lent so far that my head was leaning off the bed my arms screamed from the pain caused by the ropes tearing into my skin. I gaged and then the contains of my stomach was emptied onto the wooden floor. I stayed into that position into nothing more came out. I could feel the blood from the tear in my skin from the rope run down my arms. I closed my eye willing the tears away. I collapsed onto the bed. A shimmery light caught my eye to the left of me. It was a lamp base it was made out of crystal and the sun low in the sky was shining through the it making a kaleidoscope of colours dance on the wall opposite me. I turned me head away. Then froze Crystal shatters into shards when it breaks. I looked up to the camera I was not going to let them tie me up and leave me. I would escape my binds. I need to my bladder that stared to have an ache begging me to reales it. I tuned my body so me legs were towards the lamp then my feet kicked it off the light teakwood bedside table.
It worked now came the hard part I felt around the floor with my feet trying to pick up a good sized shard. Ah perfect I felt a shard about half the size of my foot (A/N if you have small feet image your round about a 5 in UK sizes) I bit my bottom of my lip as I trued to pick up the Crystal shard. Ah perfect I quickly pulled the shard up to the bed covers. I mentally high fives myself as I carefully picked up the shard trying to not cut myself with the shard. Unfortunately I felt a small stabbing pain I my lower lip I must have punctured it was fine I'd fix it later with my mouth I passed my shard to my hands and stared to cut the binds trapping my movements moment later I was free and I quickly ran to the bathroom to unleash my full bladder.  When I washed my hands and dapped at my lower lip with some tissue paper to sole up some of the blood I herd a crash that sounded like the door of the bedroom slam open. So they saw my show of defiance, perhaps they let me go now they know I'm a disobedience little toy. I opened the bathroom door ready the face my captors.

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