Part 5

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I didn't move, I stayed completely still. Should I tell the twins that Luna told me that their father killed someone. No right I shouldn't she's crazy. However Issac asked me not to lie. But I wouldn't want to be retold the story about my mother sleeping with my father who for the record apparently didn't love her, got her pregnant. Then when I was a baby took us away become my mother was a addict to sex, alcohol and drugs not the best environment for any child let alone a child of a pair of teenagers. I would want to know if someone was telling people around school about that. Ok I was torn what do I say.

"She told me that your father was a murder." I whispered. I saw Ivory eyes narrow as well as her mouth turn into a frown. Issac looked unaffected.

"So let me ask you this, do you believe her?" He asked walking closer to me he picked up a section of my hair and twirled it round his finger.

"Honestly I don't know" I whispered

"Hmm and whys that." Issac asked still playing with my hair it was a nice feeling having someone play with my hair very comforting which seems unlikely considering the situation I was in.

"She's obviously not stable but there is usually something to stem peoples beliefs. I don't really know much about you or Ivory or your family. But I want to I would to know more about you." I told them looking down at me feet.

"Then come and met our family tonight even come for dinner I'm sure our parents won't mind would your parents mind?"Ivory asked embracing me from behind.

"It's just me and my father he'll probably be working late so I can't imagine he would care that much..." I trialed off looking at the ground. Issac graves my chin and forced me to look into his memorising silver eyes. His mouth was formed in staring lines and his forehead had one frown line forming in the centre

"Lady l/n you father obviously does not know how lucky he has to have angle like you for a daughter." Issac told me leaning forwards and kissing my on my forehead. When he pulled back I subconsciously brought my hand to the place he kissing in confusion that's the third time I've been kissed today if you can even count what Ivory did in the hallway a kiss.
"But until later you can spend the rest of the day with us in the student council as the new Vice President of the student council" Issac told me as he pulled me into the room with Ivory right behind me.

"Woa" I said aloud in wonder this was amazing it was like a little flat I the school. It wall where in a soft like grey with a light wooden floor on the far left hand corner of the room was a little kitchenette completely with a industrial sized fridge, oven and dishwasher. Opposite that was a high tech computer that sat on a glass fest with a big black office chair behind it the rest of the room consisted of a emerald couch a black loveseats a flat screen tv and a glass coffee table. I turned around in amazement however I froze when I saw the grand piano behind me. I could hold my excitement in and ran over to in a sat down on the white stool and ran a quick scale on my piano it was perfectly turned, why was I not surprised.

"There's a bedroom we can all share in that door in between the living area and the computer and a en-suite bathroom with a bath the fit five people from that room what do you think y/n?" Ivory asked coming to sit next to me on the stool.

"I don't know I kinda wanted to join a music club not the student council" I replied keeping my focus on the piano keys.

"Why? Why do you want to join those scum are we not good enough for you!" Ivory told me loudly grabbing my shoulders her fingers were right on my cut that Luna had left me with. I flinched at the pain.

"Ivory let her go! Angle are you ok let me see" Issac asked pulling Ivory away form me and started to take off my blazer.

"I-it's n-no-n-nothing let m-me g-go" I stuttered out trying to get my blazer back whilst still covering my shoulder. Issac saw this and threw my blazer across the room.
"What the hell!" I exclaimed getting up and walking over to the sofa where Issac threw my blazer however before I could teach my blazer Ivory pinned me down on the love seat.

"Don't curse Angle and tell us what happened if someone hurt you they needed to b punished that's the student council job considering we don't have a disabline committee." Ivory explained to me I wasn't listening and was struggling to grab my blazer. I ignored them and kept on trying to grab my blazer. Issac has had enough he grabbed me and pinned me against the wall holding my hand above my head with on of his hands whilst the other started to unbutton my shirt. I felt my face go red.

"No! wait! Issac please don't!" I told him thrashing my body left and right to shake him off. It didn't work. Issac has now unbuttoned three buttons one more and he would be able to see my bra.
"Fine ok I'll tell you everything just please let me go." I begged Issac. I could still see Issac fingers right near my forth button and the want in his half lidded eye trained on that spot.
"I-Issac?" I stutter. Issac seemed to snap out of his trance and let me go I ran and grabbed my blazer and covered the painful spot with it as well and my chest. I sat down on the sofa and my eyes met Ivory she looked unhappy again.

"Well lady l/n, we're waiting" Issac told me coming to seat next to me I edged away slightly. I let out a sigh and processed to tell them every this Luna did and said.

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