Part 41

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I frowned as my stomach was hurting. Was I hungry. doubtful sometimes when I was young and my father was working late as my mother was god knows where fucking and doing cock with gods knows who she would forget to leave food for me. When I think about it it was more like the whole time. My body just doesn't get hungry any more not for a long time and considering I've just had tea I don't think I was hungry. However I still had pain in my stomach. My tummy suddenly flipped oh god I bent over the bed as much as I could  towards the bin and threw up the tea I had drank recently. Fuck now I'm Ill as well. I swilled my tongue around my mouth and spat out again considering I didn't get any water. I turned away from the black chrome bin with my face scrunched up in disgust. I was changed to a bed and kept captive by psychotic twins and now I had a bin full of sick near me. Ugh if they were spying on me I really wish they would come In now I need to get this disgusting taste out of my mouth. I pulled on the handcuffs again trying to get my hands free unfortunately all it did was hurt my already bruised wrists.

"Come I just budge a little bit. What are these police handcuffs? How did they even get them." I muttered as I kept pulling at them. When that didn't work I tried the get my feet out. I knew If I dislocated my ankle I could get it out but I also no there is no way I could put any weight on it and with no knowledge on how to relocate my ankle it seemed like a dumb idea. Ok y/n let's think about this do not panic. Let's go over the facts we know.

1. I was current handcuffed to the bed, no Issac's bed.
2. I was captive in there home I believe The twins parents know I am here against my will
3. According to Em my dad and friends were on there way
4. But how were they going to get me without being hurt. How were they going to get me without dying The twins will not let me go.
5. I am there pet they will no let me go.  

I lent my head against the head board. I want to go back in time before I ever met them. They were slowing dimming my fire making me become there obedient doll. My head was hurting I complemented going to sleep but I did not trust the twins on what they were going to do to me.

Issac's POV (finally)
I watched the video of my angle when me and Ivory had given her so much pleasure, when we had her. I was upset my girl wanted to leave I knew this I knew she would but I don't understand why. Why could she not just be happy here. She would need for nothing she would want for nothing I would shower her in gifts, love and pleasure every single day. She would have all the highest of quality music instruments and tools she could. I looked over at the paused video again at the part where my and y/n were connected then at her stomach I did not use protection and the mix of drug I gave my girl included a few pills that encourage ovulation. Ivory was not aware of that only my father was my father had given me the pills. He approved of y/n as I knew he would and he wanted my to have an heir as soon as. If y/n was pregnant it would be fantastic. The thought of having a mini me or mini y/n run around pleases me greatly and y/n was to caring to get rid of them or leave them behind it would be the perfect thing to make her stay. I switched my screen to my bedroom camera. She was sick. She was sick! SHE WAS SICK! Morning sickness my heart could barley contain my joy was it to good to be true my girl pregnant with my child. I sick grin spread on my face. I reached for my phone and called our personal doctor. Ordering him to come to our residence ASAP.

"Grayson for a boy, Ari for a girl" (A/N my personal choices) I said to my self I wonder what it would be or if it was even two I was a twin I knew it was usually the females genetics who carry the twin gene but still I couldn't wait a knock at my office door intruders my happy thoughts.
"What?" I called out

"Why is she in your room she would be happier in my room." Ivory said clearly angry.

"Ivory I doubt the room our Angel is in would have a huge affect on her emotions." I told her spinning round in my chair meeting the silver glare which was just like mine.

"What is our plan Issac she's in love with the baseball player I know you haven't taken care of him but Issac what are we going to do" Ivory asked me. Oh my sweet sister still thought we were sharing y/n that we were a team. I couldn't kill my sister that was to much even for me however my sister was always more emotional then me. Always closer to the line all she needed was a good push then my father would be forced to check her into a mental institution. My smile winded then it would just be me my Angel and our child how it should be.

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