Part 8

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They parents were very nice kinda personal but still really sweet however Charlotte never talked about that she even knew my father in front of Theo. I never brought it up either but I really wanted to know what he was like before and if he knew my mother. I  felt like I was under an inspection. I guess when your that wealthy and class presidents you never knew who your friends really are. It must be so hard for them always having to have there guard up. Anyway I did learn that ever single art work in this house was created by Charlotte. Theo ran a business with a friend of his that like my dad he was a business men. Apparently his office building was also decorated which Charlottes art work.

"Hey dad, mum I forget to tell you y/n plays the violin how amazing is that it's like she was born to be an honoury Nobel." Ivory said as she pulled me into the dinning room as some maids where setting the table for us. I felt Theo's and Charlottes eyes snap towards me immediately. I took a deep breath and closed my then looked at them thought my eyelashes giving a shy smile.

"Really do you play anything else?" Theo asked me seeming very intrigued by this. My smile grew wider this I could talked about music was one subject I talk about forever.

"Yes I do actually I also play piano, as well as enjoy singing I'm also learning the flute currently." I told them. I maid placed a nice looking salad in front of me. I was glad it wasn't shellfish or I would left I had a severe allergic reaction to shellfish.
"Thank you " I muted to the maid. I always tried to treat my house hold staff with kindness. I saw Theo watch this exchange through the corner of my eye. I shrugged it off. Theo smirked thought as he watched this.

"The flute that's an unusual instrument to learn." Charlotte mused. I nodded my head as I agreed with her.

"It's true but I enjoy folk music immensely and the biases for most folk music happens to be flute so if I wanted to play more folk music I needed to learn to play." I explained. I looked over to the twins. Issac was shining with pride of what I had no idea but his smile lit up his dark face. Ivory was smiling to she looked a lot more sweet and less sensual when she smiled. I eat my salad slowly enjoying the flavours of the veg and the salad dressing together. I had to say though I wished it was something different, probably carbohydrated based.

"I see your enjoying the salad angel." Issac sat from across the table giving me his charming smile. I swallowed my mouth full of food.

"It is very delicious you must give my compliments to the chef." I told them blushing slightly.

"Well it's true the chef made it y/n we choose the meal does that me we get your affection too." Ivory said placing her chin on her hands smirking at me.

"Of course your my... friends you always get my affection." I told them going a darker red. I saw Charlotte open her mouth about to say something but a stern look from her husband stopped her.

"So we will always have your affection. I'll hold you to that sweetheart." Ivory said her smirk getting wider as she slightly licked her lips drawing my eyes to them. I quickly looked down as even more blood rushes to my face turning me scarlet. I saw Issac smirk at my red face to. These twins seemed to enjoy torturing me with my bashfulness.

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