Part 47

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Part 47

Ivory's POV

Where is it? Where is it? I was looking every trying to find my dairy it was here. It had to be here. I was looking in draws under cloths,jewellery, cushions and mY bed sheets. It wasn't there. If someone has it that's not good. It's bad, very, very bad. They'll try to take me away again. Try to take me from my love. I need to find y/n we can escape now before it to late. We can go to the lake house or maybe the chalet in the mountains. I threw my pillow back on the bed I need to go get her. I ran out of my room she's in the spare room down the hall. I burst in the room to hear my Angel being sick on the toilet.

"Baby!" I yell running towards her.


She looked unstable. Her eyes were wide and wild. She had run hands to many times through her hair and it was static sticking up at some strange angles. Ivory's cloths were rumpled and wrinkled.

"I-Ivory?" I questioned shrinking back from her. She ran to me placing her hands on my shoulder digging her nails into my shoulders. This was like Luna all over again.
"Ivory your h-hurting me" I winced and her nails pieced my skin.

"We need to leave their going to take me away we need to go Im not going to leave you let's go please" she said in such a rush I didn't even know what she said. She was unstable Issac was right she was crazy. She could hurt me or this thing in me. Unknowingly I let me hand fly to my stomach.
"Do you have a stomach-ache that's ok I'll carry you you'll be fine."

"I don't  have a stomach-ache" I said numbly looking at me stomach.

"NO!" Ivory streamed startling me. I moved even more backwards in fear.
"Your pregnant. Too bad we'll have to kill the only child I will let you near me is mine." She said quietly as she clenched her fist and walked towards me. I did the only thing I could do.

"ISSAC!" I screamed as I curled into a ball. I herd the thumps and screamed from two voices and then two more joined in I did t know what they were saying I was scared I placed my hand over my ears and shit my eyes. I felt tears trickling out of my eyes then suddenly soft, sting hands encircled me stroking my back. I moved my hands off my ears slightly.

"It's okay baby I'm here she wi t hurt you or our child calm down. I'm here your safe. I won't let anything happen to you." Issac either me and it worked I was calmed down by his soft calm so thing voice.
"I know you don't want to send her away mother but she just tried to kill your grandchild not the mention her plans to kill me look in her dairy if you don't believe me." Issac told his parent. I looked up and I could see Theo restrained Ivory with ease and Charlotte looking on with a mix of em other but worry and sadness we're definitely there.

"Issac take y/N into your room don't leave there until I tell you. Y/n and your baby are your number one priority now." Theo told him Issac helped my up and still hugging me to him walked out of the guest room.

"They were always my number one dad"he said as we left. When we arrived in Issac bedroom he fell to his knees.
"I'm so sorry I should have been with you I should have made you safe I'm so sorry when I thought we might of lost her or you, it terrifies me." He told me he pulled my top up a little and kissed my stomach. I rested my hand on his head.

"It's ok. I was terrified but it's not your fault honey, she ok, I'm ok, we're ok Issac." I told him kneeling down with him. He clutched onto me like he was worried I was going to disappear and when he birdied his face into my shoulder I could feel some liquid seep onto my top. I felt bad for him truly. He must have had thought upbringing. Seeing how Ivory was then she must have been in and out of admission to a psychiatric ward for most of her childhood down to her delusions.  Which must have put a lot of pressure on Issac to follow in his fathers footsteps with no heed to what Issac wanted. NO! Y/N stop this boy raped you, do not feel anything this changes nothing the plan is still the same. Do not catch feeling for you capture not now not ever.

"Anyway" Issac said pulling me up with him clearing his throat.
"You must be tired and stressed from that ordeal and stress is never good for the baby or the mother. Why don't you take a nap and don't worry I promise I won't leave your side." Issac told me ushering me to his plush bed. A nap does sound nice but no way do I trust Issac with my unconscious body. However on the other hand when I tried to seduce him before he said no he 'didn't want to hurt the baby' still don't know if I trust that but it could be leading me into a fade sense of security. I can't believe he's going soft on me. Sometimes I wish I could tell my brain to shut up.

"Issac I don't really fell tired I'll lie down but can we talk please. I don't mind what about but I'm slightly worried so I'd rather not sleep so I know what's going on." I said  as I curled up on the bed. I thought back on what happened. I was really terrified when Ivory moved towards my stomach, but I wasn't Scared for my life I was worried about the life growing inside me. My hand flew to my stomach again.
"Issac you said Ivory planes to kill you. Is that true." I asked as I remembered the words siad.

"Yeah. From what she wrote in her diary. She believed you only liked her and hated me. I was taking up to much of your time, thought by Ivory's account any second you were focused on me instead of her would be to much time. It had been like that from the start. Dad has always wanted someone to over take his business like he did from mum's father. I am the oldest only by 7 minutes but still. I am also a boy," I opens my mouth about to say how sexist it was but Issac beat me to it.
"I know it's sexist but it's the way my father wanted to it. He started to show me the ropes when I was quite young. Spending most of his time with me and mum not a lot of time for Ivory. That coupled with ivory's mental issues didn't make for a nice childhood. Constant visits to physicists to see if I am crazy too. Certain times to vista Ivory at the wards words I wasn't allowed to say. My dad drilling into me the ways of his job as Ivory was completely unable to take over. Unable to even speak to anyone about Ivory condition. We just brush it under the rug if we act like it not there it will go away. To bad that's not working. I'm sorry this is a really bad topic to talk about. Let's talk about our child what about names have any in mind. For a girl I like Ari." (My actual favourite girls name) It was happing my heart was swelling I was started to feel for Issac. Fuck I was screwed.

(A/N. As I am close to ending this book would you like:

A) three endings. One for each twin and a true ending

B) two one with Issac and a true ending

C) four endings one for each twin, one with the twins together and a true ending

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