Part 19

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I didn't want to wake up if it was morning that means I would have to go to school and face the twins. I didn't have a good sleep I was played by evenbody saying the save words. 'I feel like I'm going to be sick' and then it ended by my mother saying she was disgusting by me. Yeah it wasn't the best dream. I didn't want to go to school what I did with Issac today and what it must have seemed what I was doing with Issac, to Ivory that was the worst. Thought I had to go to school I needed to get an education. I got up and went to the heath room the wash my face brush my teeth and change into my school uniform. I didn't feel like doing anything with my hair today so I just brushed it and left it loose.

"Sweetheart breakfast." My dad told me knocking on my door. He made breakfast. The second day in a row. I grabbed my bag and violin case intending to leave for school as soon as I done with breakfast. I exited my room and made my way downstairs to the kitchen.
"Good morning sweetheart." My dad called cheerfully plating up an omelette for me and him.

"Morning dad. How did you sleep?" I asked as I hoped onto the bar stool at the breakfast bar. He gave me a bright smile. He was in such an unusually bright mood today

"Wonderful honey what about you?" He asked cutting up his omelette.

"Ok I had a slightly bad dream. Mother was in it." I told him watching his reaction. As usually he paused when I mentioned my mother.

"Honey you know I never lied about your mothers... past however I do t like talking about her. Do you think there a reason you dreamed about her thought. Do you perhaps want to visit her?" He asked me slowly.

"No never. I think it's just I'm starting a new school everybody is judging me and I was wonder did my mother ever love me or was I just nothing to her." I said pushing my food around my plate. My dad took hold of my hands.

"I'm not going to tell you haw your mother felt because I honestly don't know but when I took you away she never fought me for you she never tired to contact you she did nothing. I love you so much remover that y/n ok." He answered me giving me a peck on my forehead. I gave a small smile

"Thanks dad. Well I better get to school I'll see you later. Bye" I said rushing out of the house before he could insist to drive me. I closed my eyes not wanted to be met with the empty pavement that would great me as I was certain the twins didn't want anything to do with me anymore. I felt a lump rise in my through as my eyes grew damp behind my eyelids. I swallows past the lump and slowly cracked opens my eyes.

"I-Ivory" I chocked out. Ivory was leaning against my neighbours hours waiting for me. So was Issac but my attention was focused on his sister right now.
"Ivory" I carried engulfing her in a hug
"I'm so sorry if your mad and if you hate me I'm so sorry please don't be mad I didn't mean you it's just Issac's body felt so nice and warm. Not that that import it's just pease don't hate me." I said I'm rush I'm not sure she quite knew what I said. I felt her hand rub my back slowly as I cried Into her shoulder what I didn't see was Ivory and Issac's satisfied smirks.

"It's ok angel I'm not angry or mad at you I was just a bit upset to see your undivided attention of touching and looking Issac's body. I would be very pleased if you would touch me and look at me like you you did with Issac if you would like you could do it with both of us. Or perhaps you would like us to touch you and feel every single inch of you." She whispers in my ear. Oh crap that the feeling I had in the student council room was coming back I pressed my thoughts together.

"Um yeah m-maybe" I stutter out not sure exactly what I was agreeing to.
"Uh me should get to school right." I said happy that the twins hadn't abounded me.

"You right angel." Issac said next to me. I jumped slightly and beamed up at him as he trapped my left hand intwining our fingers.
"However leaving yesterday without permission angel." I looked at him with furrowed brow. He leaned down to my ear blew in making the felling between my leg stronger.
"Well I think that might just be cause for some punishment." He whispers into my ear the breath caught in my throat as my face went beet red and I felt the urge between my leg increase again.

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