Part 29

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I was watching the clock, subtly I didn't want the twins to know I was hoping they would met me go the game would be starting soon. When we got her I was engulfed into yet another embrace by Ivory the Issac pulled me to sit in between them and considering what Issac has just said I was felling very uncomfortable.

"So you can be in a tent with just us two. Isn't it amazing." Ivory told me hugging me again. My brow furrowed slightly.

"I thought tents we gender based." I told Ivory. Me and Ivory would be fine as would Ivory and Issac as they were siblings however me and Issac surely that would not be ok.

"Your right princess but we are the student council we have certain liberties." Issac said moving closer to me as his arm slid round my waist. He angled my face up to his and leaned forwards my eyes closed involuntary it was then that the school bell rang. I jumped up suddenly and only just missed banging my head against Issac's. The bell ringing meant we only had a few minutes before the game started I didn't wait for the twins to stand up before I started to sprint toward the baseball field wanting to wish Em and the rest of the team good luck again. However my plan was stopped by Issac's strong grip.
"You weren't planning on going to the game yourself were you don't forget you promise Angel." Issac said his dark eyes capturing mine. I couldn't refuse him his eyes kept me still it was like he was Lelouch having a Geass to control anyone he wished. He had my hand in his grip the whole way there. Finally we reached the baseball pitch when I started to strain towards the field. Issac let go off my wrist to intwine his hand with mine and let me pull him to the team. Adrian saw me and then saw who my hand was attached to he punched Em on the shoulder who turned to glare at Adrian for the punch. He glanced and saw me and smiled brightly but into into a frown when he saw that I was holding hands with Issac, his soft brown eye darkened. He gave Adrian a pat on the shoulder and started to walk over to me Thorn watched him move and jogged to catch up the the red heads long strides.

"I wanted to wish you good luck." I told Em and Thorn when they reached me.

"Thank beautiful now I'm sure we'll win." Thorn said Em was staring at our hands I could see Issac smirk and the emotion running threw Ems face. Em grabbed me and hugged me while my hand was still connected to Issac I felt like I was some weird tug of war.

"Why are you holding hands with him what's happened. I get if you can't tell me now but pls text me." Em hurried whispered to me burying my his head into my neck. Issac cleared his throat loudly. Em turned to scowl at him but softly let go of me. Thorn gave me a hair ruffle and they were off while Issac dragged me back to the stands and Ivory. When we reached the top of the bleachers Ivory pulled me so I was pressed to her side, Issac sitting on the other side of me squashing me in between them. This was going to be a long game of baseball.

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